WKVE Telecom Speed Meter: see how it works!






THE WKVE Telecom is one of the best internet providers in Brazil, working with residential and business connections, for those who need internet at home and at work.

Therefore, it is essential that you know more about the company. Today, we are going to talk about the WKVE speedometer Telecom, a page that works as a speed meter for your internet, in addition to providing contact options provided by the company itself.

So if you want to know more about WKVE Telecom, follow us until the end of our content and leave a comment if you have any questions.


Come on, read with us!

WKVE Telecom Speed Meter

You came to this post to learn more about the WKVE Telecom Speed Meter, and that's where we'll start our post. So, follow us.

Many internet service providers, whatever their type, Wireless, radio, fiber optics or even others, end up not complying with what was agreed via contract.


By this, we mean that many internet providers end up offering less megabytes than what is actually being paid monthly by their customer.

How do we know this? Because fortunately, today we have some websites that measure your internet speed, showing whether you are actually receiving the amount of megabytes that you contracted for or less.

Although it may seem unusual, it is more common than you might think. Therefore, your internet may be slower than what you pay for each month.

WKVE Telecom customers have an exclusive speed meter page, so they can access it and find out how many megabytes they are receiving at home.

The WKVE meter uses the same technology as the Speed Test Copel

However, it is worth noting that this speed meter only works for those who are already WKVE Telecom customers, and does not work with different providers.

To access the WKVE Telecom speed meter page, Click here to be redirected.

Other speedometers

It is worth noting that the speed meter is from the company itself, so it is worth using external ones to check the result.

There are several other reliable website options that measure your internet speed that you can use and compare the speedometer result on the WKVE Telecom website.

Contact WKVE Telecom

Now that you know how to access the WKVE Telecom speed meter, it's time to learn about its contact methods.

Below, we have listed all the means provided by the company itself for you to call or send a message. See:

WKVE Telecom Phone

Currently, the company has 2 telephone service options, one of which is free and general, and the other segmented by service area.

Therefore, always call if you have any questions or complaints. Write down:

  • SAC: 0800 717 1706;
  • Governor Valadares-MG, Ipatinga-MG and Parauapebas-PA: (33) 2102-3332.

Email and Digital Form

However, if you want a more digital service, you can choose to use the company's email or the digital form. The latter option is a page attached to the official website of the company WKVE Telecom.

This is a form that you fill out with your personal and contact details, as well as the message you wish to send with your question or any other type of situation. Within 24 hours or less, you will receive your response in your email inbox or on your WhatsApp.

Email works the same way, but you must send a message directly from your email address, also with your personal details and the situation to be resolved. The contact details are below:

So, were you able to measure the speed of your WKVE Telecom internet? Are you getting what you really pay for in terms of the amount of megabytes? Do you have any questions about the content we brought today? Tell us, comment below!

See you next time!

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