Many people want to know what the WhatsApp from Assets SA After all, they have an outstanding debt that is being collected by the company.
However, obtaining this type of information is not always easy. In this sense, some even say that it is easier to wait for the company to contact us than to go after the organization.
However, we were able to obtain some means of contact for Ativos SA. Therefore, you will see in today's article whether the company has WhatsApp, email and even a SAC (Customer Service).
Are you curious? Check out our full post and find out how to contact the company. Enjoy your reading!
Contact information for Ativos SA
Firstly, we need to highlight that currently the company Ativos SA does not have any WhatsApp number. In other words, to speak to the company, you must contact them through the channels we will provide below. Check it out!
Assets SA phone
In advance, write down the Ativos SA SAC (Customer Service) number, is: 0800 644 3030. Please remember that this channel operates on weekdays and only during business hours.
Additionally, they also have a Customer Service Center. The number is 4003 3170. As in the previous case, service is available from Monday to Friday, always during business hours.
Online support
From the same point of view, you can also contact the company via the internet. To do this, you can send a message via website.
Therefore, fill in your details in the “Contact Us” tab and send your message to the platform.
Additionally, you can send an email to Ativos SA The electronic address is In a few days, you will receive a message from the company with your request.
Reputation of this company
As you get to know the company's contacts, check out the organization's reputation. Currently, Ativos SA has a regular rating. on the Reclame Aqui website.
Nonetheless, The company has responded to 100% of queries, complaints and requests. Furthermore, its problem-solving rate exceeds 66%.
In general, it is a company well regarded by the national market and also by consumers.
After all, what is Ativos SA?
The company Ativos SA belongs to the holding company Bank of Brazil, or what we call a conglomerate of companies in this group.
In this sense, it has existed since 2002 and is a privately held corporation. In other words, it does not have shares available for purchase on the Stock Exchange.
According to our findings, its main activity is in recovering credit from defaulters, mainly with debts in Bank of Brazil. In this sense, the company can:
- Help consumers clear their name and obtain credit again in the market and even at Banco do Brasil itself;
- Recalculate outstanding debts and offer discounts for cash payments and even installments;
- Close advantageous proposals for customers who have a negative credit rating with the institution and who, unfortunately, cannot pay off the debt in full.
Vision and values of this company
From the same point of view, Ativos SA states that it seeks to guarantee citizenship financial of Brazilians.
To do this, it invests in offering solutions to these people's debts and always aims for accessible and fair agreements for both parties.
In a straightforward and concise manner, this company seeks to offer the best debt resolution options. for people who owe BB. It is, of course, possible to make counterproposals to the institution.
For this reason, many people contact the company, looking for bigger discounts on their debts.
The organization's values include ethics, customer focus and efficiency. People who do business with the institution are generally able to get rid of their debts and are also happy with the opportunity.
If you have debts that are being collected by the company, get in touch and make an agreement right now!
Now you know that there is no WhatsApp from Ativos SA, but know the contact numbers of that company.
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