Prolonged use of the toilet can cause problems.
We are increasingly connected to our cell phones and using them at various times of the day, exchanging messages, checking social media, reading the news, listening to music and watching videos, whether in the car, in restaurants, at work or even in the bathroom. Well, who hasn't done it, right?
Using your cell phone in the bathroom may seem harmless, as a way to pass the time. However, according to experts in the field, using your cell phone in the bathroom can pose health risks.
Staying on the toilet for a long time can increase the chances of developing a painful and uncomfortable condition, and can even lead to serious cases that can lead to the person having to go to the operating room.
Find out now what this condition is and how using a cell phone can lead to the user developing it.

Health problem
Many people use the cell phone in the bathroom, while they do their physiological needs. However, when you start watching or following the social media During use, these people may spend a long time sitting on the toilet, and they don't even imagine that this can cause harm to their health.
This practice of remaining on the toilet for a long time can increase the person's chances of developing hemorrhoids, a problem that is quite painful and can lead to very serious cases.
Hemorrhoids are the inflammation and dilation of the veins in and around the anus and rectum. When external, they look like varicose veins and are visible. When internal, they are located inside the anal canal and can only be identified in more advanced stages, with acute symptoms.
Hemorrhoids x Cell Phone
Using the toilet for a long period of time, especially on a hard seat, can put pressure on the hemorrhoidal tissue and contribute to inflammation and dilation of the veins around the anus and rectum, which can lead to the development of the problem.
Sitting on the toilet for a long time can also increase the chances of rectal prolapse, which is a condition in which parts of the intestine protrude outside the anus, posing great risks to the person's health.
A study carried out by a university in Türkiye found that the use of cell phones in the toilet leads to straining during defecation. In the analysis, with about 100 patients aged 16 to 65, with and without the problem, the researchers observed that people who often use their cell phones in the bathroom strain to defecate even when it is not necessary. This force is what can dilate the blood vessels and lead to the emergence of the problem.
How to avoid
To reduce the chances and prevent the problem from developing, it is essential to adopt healthier bathroom habits, such as:
Limit the time
Avoid spending long periods of time sitting on the toilet. Limit the time to about ten minutes at most to prevent blood from accumulating in the veins of the rectum.
Avoid using the phone
In addition to causing hemorrhoids, the habit of using your cell phone in the bathroom is not at all hygienic. This habit can expose your device to bacteria and germs.
If you experience any symptoms, seek medical attention for an evaluation and appropriate treatment.
The main symptoms of the problem include: itching caused by swelling, bleeding resulting from ruptured veins, pain or burning after bowel movements and a bulge felt in the anus.