See who is the main target of theft. Check out the full list.
The analysis of public data from the Public Security Secretariat (SSP) of São Paulo in a survey carried out by the consultancy B4Risk at the request of UOL found which cell phones were the most stolen in the state, the brands including Apple, Motorola, Samsung and Xiaomi.
The study found that during the first six months of the year, March saw the highest increase in accidents compared to the previous year. Compared to 2022, the increase is 14%. To better understand the research, continue reading.

Drop in robberies
SP B4Risk identified a total of 178,618 thefts and robberies in the period from January to June 2023. This number represents a drop of 3% compared to the same period last year, when the SSP registered 182,443 crimes of this type.
Favorite brand
The analysis also ranked the most popular cell phone brands stolen or robbed during the period. Samsung smartphones are so popular among thieves that they appear in 33,48% of the cases. In second place is Apple, responsible for 26,51% of thefts and robberies in the state of São Paulo.
Last year, Motorola ranked second in the theft rankings. However, in the first half of this year, Motorola ranked third, accounting for 22,27% of all cell phone thefts. Check out the ranking by percentage.
Full list:
Samsung – 33,48%
Apple – 26,51%
Motorola – 22,77%
Xiaomi – 8,26%
Others – 5,46%
LG – 2,01%
Asus – 0.56%
Positive – 0.27%
Multilaser – 0.20%
Nokia – 0.20%
Protective measures
As cell phones have become more popular and more expensive, they have also become more attractive for crimes such as theft and robbery. And even if your device is cheap, there are still many people interested in stealing the data and information contained on it.
That's why it's so important to find a way to protect and restore your device, or at least make it harder for criminals to access your information. Here are some tips that can help you with that.
For example, keep your device close at hand. Don't leave it on a table or in the open pocket of a backpack. It's also a good idea not to take your phone out of your pocket or bag in places where theft is common.
Also, don’t spend too much time on phone calls while you’re on the street. Many people use this time to find out if your device is worth stealing. You should always keep a password, lock code or “pattern” to unlock your phone. This way, after the theft, it will be difficult for criminals to access data, which can also be erased remotely.
Many users are still unaware of the importance of IMEI in reducing the number of cell phone thefts and scams. It is important that you write down this number or record it somewhere safe, outside of your cell phone, as it allows the operator to completely block the device. After that, the phone cannot be used. The goal of this strategy is to make it impossible to sell your product on the black market. Even if all precautions are taken, victims are encouraged to file a police report and help the police prevent this type of criminal activity.