Find out everything about BlackBerry, which will have a film telling its story. The film will be released later this month!
A film called BlackBerry will tell the story behind one of the most iconic cell phones of the 2000s. The film will show how two nerds changed the history of communication in the United States through a company that had a rapid rise and fall.
The film is directed by Matt Johnson, along with Jay Baruchel and Glen Howerton. It is based on the book “Losing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinay Rise and Spectacular Fall of Blackberry, by writer Jacquie McNish.
It was already released in Canada, the company's home country, in May this year, but is expected to hit Brazilian cinemas later this month, on October 12th.
Find out more details about this film that tells the story of the company, which was a success in the 2000s, but suffered a decline as great as its growth.

According to the film's synopsis, it tells the incredible story of the growth and decline of the Canadian company that led the market in 1996, being a total success, but not yet with cell phones. The technology created by Mike Lazaridis and his best friend Douglas Fregin, combined with the experience of businessman Jim Balsillie, completely transformed the way people communicate. Celebrities, politicians and businessmen became addicted to their branded cell phones and the company's value skyrocketed.
However, a few years after the success, secrets, personal disputes and the arrival of iPhones, from Apple, have put the company's success at risk. The film is set to hit Brazilian theaters on October 12, but was already released in Canada, the company's home country, in May of this year.
BlackBerry Company
BlackBerry is a Canadian company that became known for its cell phones, especially in the 2000s, when it became one of the main names in the market, before the success of the iPhone and Android operating system, created by Google.
Despite its rise in the 2000s, the company was founded in 1984 as a software company. From 1988 onwards, it began working in the telecommunications sector, developing transmission systems used by pagers and wireless payment tools.
In 1996, BlackBerry began operating in the consumer hardware market. Also in 1996, the company launched a text messaging system with a QWERTY keyboard for typing, which was called the Inter@ctive Pager 900.
In 1999, the company, formerly called Research In Motion Limited, launched its first Pager under the BlackBerry name, called the BlackBerry 850, and introduced the BlackBerry OS, its operating system.
In 2002, the company entered the cell phone market, with the capacity for voice calls, internet browsing, messaging and other features that caught the attention of users at the time.
As one of the first companies on the market, BlackBerry had the chance to grow a lot before facing some pretty stiff competition from from Apple and its iPhone, as well as other brands on the market that used the Android system. Despite its decline, the company is part of the history of telecommunications and was very important in the advancement of technology at the time it launched its products and services.