Prevent Senior Telephone Number






Prevent Senior Telephone Number

You health plans are increasingly sought after by the Brazilian population, given that the public health service is not always effective.

These plans, on the other hand, tend to cause a lot of headaches for customers, who have difficulty scheduling appointments, canceling them and also complain a lot about poor service.

Therefore, it is always important to know the main forms of communication to get in touch with these companies, even if it is to ask questions or sign up for a plan.


Prevent Senior is one of the main health plans for adults and provides several communication channels.

One of the most effective are the Prevent Senior phones, but you can also use the company's website or send an email.

This article will show you the main ways to contact this company. Stay tuned!

Telefone Prevent Senior

Contact Prevent Senior

Prevent Senior: find out how to get in touch

What is Prevent Senior?

Prevent Senior is a health insurance company specialized in adults over 39 years old.

It offers different plans according to age and the types of service customers want.

See now how you can get in touch with this healthcare provider with over 20 years in the Brazilian market.

Prevent Senior Telephone Number

Prevent Senior offers several service channels through which customers can get in touch to resolve different demands.

You Prevent Senior phones are some of the main means of communication with the company, but there are also others, such as the organization's own website.

Prevent Senior Customer Service

SAC (Customer Service) is a channel through which customers can resolve different issues, such as asking questions, making complaints or even requesting the cancellation of services.

Recently, the Prevent Senior phones of the SAC to allow better communication between customers and companies.

So the numbers now are:

  • 0800 773 8368
  • (11) 3003-8368

Prevent Senior Ombudsman

When a demand is not resolved via SAC, the customer can contact the Prevent Senior Ombudsman.

Complaints, compliments, suggestions, cancellation requests, among others, can be made to the Ombudsman's Office.

To contact the Prevent Senior Ombudsman, the customer can enter in this link and complete the complete Ombudsman Form.

Telefone Prevent Senior

Other Prevent Senior communication channels

SAC and the Ombudsman are usually the most common communication channels for contacting Prevent Senior.

However, there are other ways to get in touch, depending on the demand the customer is looking to resolve.

Exam Scheduling Center

For customers who wish to pre-schedule their exams through tPrevent Senior phones, there are two options:

  • (11) 3003-2442 – (for those living in capital cities and metropolitan regions)
  • 0800 773 2442 – (for those living in other parts of the country)

Prevent Senior Sales Center

Consumers who wish to purchase their plans should call Prevent Senior phones, you can do it by numbers:

  • (11) 5070-0900

If you prefer, you can also contact us via email at “”.

Prevent Senior Communication and Reporting Channel

Finally, anyone wishing to report possible violations of the company's code of conduct or internal policies, as well as any act that violates the law, can do so by communication and complaints channel for that.

THE Prevent Senior phone number for the communication and complaints channel it is 0800 002 0207.

You can also contact us by email:


Remembering that anonymity, if desired, is always guaranteed.

Consumer complaint channels

If the company fails to resolve customer demands, it is possible to seek out state and national bodies, in addition to making complaints on specific websites, such as Reclame Aqui.

For health insurance companies, any complaints must be made directly to ANS (National Supplementary Health Agency), by telephone, in person or by the website.

THE Reclame Aqui website It is also highly recommended for customers who wish to make public complaints, as companies usually respond directly on this page.

When no channel brings positive results, the solution is to take legal action so that the demand can be resolved in that sphere.


As you have seen, Prevent Senior is a health insurance company that serves people over 39 years old, providing a variety of service options.

To contact this company, you can use the Prevent Senior phones, from speaking to SAC to purchasing health plans.

The company also provides an Ombudsman form and a channel dedicated solely to reporting violations.

If the customer's demand is not resolved through these channels, it is possible to make complaints directly to bodies such as ANS, and also use specific websites for this purpose, such as Reclame Aqui.

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