Patrus Transportes is a freight forwarder for fractional cargo, that is, cargo with small quantities, with 85 branches throughout the country. Therefore, for customers who wish to get in touch, What is Patrus Transportes' phone number?
How to contact Patrus Transportes?
To contact Patrus Transportes, visit or call:
Customer Service Center: 4003 – 3277
Whatsapp: (31) 4003- 3277
And, there is also the Contact Us so that the customer can resolve all their doubts.
Social media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin. You can also contact the company through social media.

Patrus Transportes Ombudsman
If your questions are not answered through the channels above, simply contact us. Ombudsman from Patrus, remembering that the ombudsman should always be the last resort to be used.
Who is Patrus Transportes?
It is a carrier of fractional cargo, that is, one that involves small quantities of goods of all types, with 85 branches spread across 10 Brazilian states, headquartered in Contagem - Minas Gerais, carrying out around 8,000 trips per month.
Where is Patrus located?
Patrus is now present in the regions South, Southeast, Bahia, Sergipe and Ceara, and its 85 branches can be found by clicking here.
Remembering that each of them will also have their own contact telephone number, which can be found on the website itself.
What services does Patrus offer?
It is a company that works with the transportation of fractional cargo, with consultancy, strategy, and, in a network, offering qualified and personalized transportation solutions.
It is also today one of the largest companies in logistics of Brazil, operating in the distribution chain of large companies in the country and international groups, from the manufacturing industry to the retail trade, investing in training and technologies to increasingly improve the quality of the services provided.
In 2011, the company was elected, for the fifth year, one of the best companies to work for in Brazil, according to a survey carried out by You Inc. magazines and Exam.
What does Patrus transport?
B2B – Business to Business
From company to company, the company transports consumer goods, from collection at the factory and tracking of the cargo to delivery to points of sale, always providing very fast services.
B2C – Door to Door Company
For individuals, the company's operations include the delivery of loads up to 20 kg, mainly cosmetics, footwear, sports equipment and clothing items. The service is available in more than 2,300 municipalities and districts in MG, BA, ES and SE.
How do I track my order?
To track your merchandise, simply click here , enter your CPF, if you are an individual, and CNPJ, if you are a legal entity. After that, inform whether you are the sender or recipient., and then enter your number order, invoice or tracking number.
You can get these numbers from the store or supplier where your merchandise was purchased.
For cargo tracking of Free Market, click here.
And in addition to these options, you can also track your order through Patrus Transport application, available on Google Play and Apple Store, just download and install to access your orders.

What are Patrus's differentials?
Among the differences between Patrus and other companies are:
- Screenwriter: Software recognized worldwide, which allows the planning of collection and delivery operations, optimizing routes and transportation times, aiming to guarantee the accuracy of deliveries within the deadline agreed with the company's customers;
- Application: With technology and innovation, through the application, customers can check their orders and receive quick information;
- Lean System: They seek to be attentive to all customer requests, in order to achieve the best possible service;
- Security: The security of cargo containing goods is one of the prerogatives of the company Patrus;
- Service: Extremely fast and efficient service, with the quality that the company offers in the provision of its services;
- Integrated Management System: All company processes are controlled by an ERP/TMS system, which guarantees the efficiency of internal controls.
Furthermore, among the company's initiatives to reduce emissions is the conversion of diesel vehicles of independent truck drivers to the use of natural gas for vehicles, which emits 21% less CO2 and reduces the cost of refueling by up to 60%.
It also uses electric cars to make door-to-door deliveries in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, having installed photovoltaic panels in the terminals of Montes Claros and Uberlândia, both in Minas Gerais, which generate enough energy to operate these units.
Therefore, it is a company that aims for quality, far beyond profit, guaranteeing safety and practicality to its customers, and prioritizing high technology in the provision of its services, and is also, for this reason, considered one of the best companies in Brazil.