Find out now what the Facily phone number is and other features of this famous social media platform. e-commerce. Stay with us and find out more!
Nowadays, shopping online is something super common, isn't it? In this sense, shopping with family and friends has also become something routine for Brazilians.
Thus, Facily is one of the applications that allows this type of group purchase. Want to know more about the company? Find out the company's phone number and other contact details and learn more about the topic! Check out the content and have a great read!
Find out what Facily's phone number is here
First of all, know that the Facily telephone number is open from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 9 pm.
Therefore, write down the contact: the number is 0800-023-0566. If you have not yet placed an order and have questions about the company's services, you can click on extension 2.
If you have already placed your order, click on 1. Additionally, if you have any questions about pick-up points for your products, just click on extension 3.

Does this company provide services via WhatsApp?
From the same point of view, you can also talk to Facily through the messaging app WhatsApp.
That way, just get in touch via message through number (11) 4560-8637. Via the company's WhatsApp you can ask questions about your login and orders you have already placed.
You can also obtain information about bonuses and promotions and even find collection points for products already ordered on the platform.
In short, these are the easiest and most modern ways for you to contact the Facily app.
Don't forget that messages can be sent at any time, however, they will always only be answered on weekdays and during business hours, okay?
Form on the company's website
Additionally, you can also click here to contact this company,. It is currently possible to contact the company through an online form on their website.
There, you can ask questions, choose the subject of the service and obtain various information such as:
- Get to know the company better;
- Talk about orders already placed;
- Find pick-up points closest to you;
- Access platform promotions and bonuses;
- As well as, better understanding payment methods;
- Finally, you can ask questions and edit your account within the app.
After all, what is Facily?
Facily is the first social e-commerce in all of Latin America. In this sense, it is a application for IOS and Android devices that allows you to join forces with friends and/or family to purchase products at discounts.
Furthermore, with this company you can also gain access to various promotions, enter sweepstakes and also receive bonuses when purchasing large quantities of food products, drinks and other types of items for your home and family.
Tips for buying safely and responsibly on marketplaces
Now that you know what Facily's phone number is, check out some tips below to help you shop smartly and safely both at Facily and other marketplaces. Keep reading!
Buy only from people you trust
In advance, we recommend that you always make purchases at discount clubs with people you trust, whether friends or family.
After all, everyone needs to make the payment correctly. Let's say you split a purchase between five people and each person has to pay R$100.
Therefore, it is essential that these people make the correct payment so that no one has to bear the subsequent losses.
Always do the math before ordering products
From the same point of view, it is essential that you always do the math to see if it is really worth purchasing many products at once.
Therefore, don't forget that many items are perishable, so check the expiration date before making a purchase (especially food products and cleaning products).
After all, the savings are only worth it if the products are actually ideal for use, right?
Be careful with credit card purchases
Finally, if you are going to make purchases with a credit card, don't forget to check the installments that will be outstanding and calculate them correctly to avoid getting into debt.
On our portal, you can see many tips on how to buy with a credit card consciously and without becoming a victim of debt, which, unfortunately, is present in a large part of Brazilian homes.
Today you met the Facily phone and saw other means of contact for this company. Read other articles on our portal with the Méliuz telephone number, Magalu and other large companies.