Know what is the Elma Chips phone is important for many customers of this company. After all, many people want to talk about the products and/or promotions.
In this sense, if you want to know the company's contact numbers, stay with us and follow today's article.
In addition, we will also talk about the history of this company and the merger between companies and the purchase that Pepsico made a few years ago.
Find out everything about Elma Chips and the organization’s details now. Check it out and have a great read!
After all, is Elma Chips from Pepsico?
First of all, know that yes. Elma Chips is a subsidiary of Pepsico. This means that it is administered and managed by the large multinational.
In this sense, the purchase was made in 1974 and consisted of the merger of two national companies, namely:
- Elma Food Products, from Curitiba;
- American Potato Chips from Sao Paulo.
Thus, in the 1970s, one of the largest producers of national snacks emerged: Elma Chips.

What are Elma Chips products?
Elma Chips currently has several different products. Therefore, we will list the labels of this company below, take a look:
- eQlibri;
- Cuteness;
- Cheerleader;
- Cheetos popcorn;
- Salty snack crackers;
- Stiksy;
- Stax;
- Chives;
- Baconzitos;
- Fandangos;
- Sensations;
- Baked Cheetos;
- Ruffles;
- Lays;
- Peanuts without skin;
- Japanese peanut;
- Peanut eggs;
- Doritos.
Did you see how many labels are part of this company? In this sense, each of them has its own recipe and production method.
However, they are produced, packaged and distributed by Elma Chips.
I want to talk to Elma Chips
Without further ado, we will now show you how to contact the company. In this sense, check out the Elma Chips phone number now that you are looking for!
Elma Chips Phone
Please note that for better customer service, consumer, the company offers a different phone number for each label. Therefore, see below what the contact is for each Elma Chips product:
- eQlibri: 0800-727-3019;
- Cuteness: 0800-727-3048;
- Supporters: 0800-727-3048;
- Cheetos popcorn: 0800-703-4444;
- Golden Drop: 0800-703-4444;
- Stiksy: 0800-703-4444;
- Stax: 0800-703-4444;
- Chives: 0800-703-4444;
- Baconzitos: 0800-703-4444;
- Fandangos: 0800-703-4444;
- Sensations: 0800-703-4444;
- Baked Cheetos: 0800-703-4444;
- Ruffles: 0800-703-4444;
- Lays: 0800-703-4444;
- Skinless peanuts: 0800-703-4444;
- Japanese Peanut: 0800-703-4444;
- Peanut eggs: 0800-703-4444;
- Doritos: 0800-703-4444.
That is, as you saw above, several labels have the same phone number. However, others are different. That's why we chose to include a specific contact for each one.
This way, you don't waste time on your calls, okay?
Contact Us
However, if you prefer, you can talk to Elma Chips online. To do so, go to the page Contact Us on the company's website.
In this way, the company ensures that it responds to all users as quickly and completely as possible through e-mail left for contact.
Additionally, there is an email address that you can use to send your message directly to Pepsico. So, it is the, just send your question, criticism or comment via email.
Social media
Like thousands of companies, Pepsico is also very present on social media. As such, it is on practically all networks and keeps its profiles active.
In short, you can follow the brand through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and through the YouTube.
History of this company

Finally, we have already briefly commented on the merger and acquisition of Elma by Pepsico. Following this acquisition of multinational, Elma Chips as we know it today emerged.
Furthermore, the company's first slogan was the famous “it's impossible to eat just one” and to this day many people say this about the company's products.
In this sense, in the 70s the company launched Baconzitos and, later, Stiksy.
After the resounding success of both, another delicious recipe arrived in our country, that of Cheetos.
Finally, other successful recipes and labels emerged, namely:
- In 1978, Cebolitos;
- As well as in 1980, the Fandangos;
- Additionally, in 1982, there were variations of Fandangos. In addition to the corn flavor (original), Elma Chips launched ham and cheese flavors;
- Furthermore, in 1986, we had the launch of the famous Ruffles;
- Then, in 2004, the company launched a line of thin, seasoned potatoes called Sensações.
Now you know the Elma Chips phone number. To see more news about national companies and credit cards, follow our portal.
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