If you experience problems with the platform, you need to contact Globo Play to complain and resolve them by calling them.
First of all, you should know that Globo gives a high priority to customer service. Therefore, there are several options available for getting in touch.
So, get to know each one of them right now and try to talk through the channel that you think is best. Check it out below!
Globo Play phone number for subscribers
First, let's look at the Globo Play phone numbers available to all subscribers in Brazil. There are only two numbers, which you can find below:
- From the capital or metropolitan region, call: 4003-8000. Don't forget that there is a charge for your call;
- Or, dial the phone from any other location: 0800 881 8000.
Before calling, pay attention to the time, as they do not answer in the early hours of the morning. Just come in 09:00 and 23:00 They will be ready to serve you, okay?

Contact for non-subscribers
Also, be aware that there are also Globo Play phone numbers for those who are not yet subscribers. That's right! You just need to call:
- 4003-8003, if we are talking about a capital or metropolitan region;
- 0800 881 8003, if you call from any other region.
In general, these numbers They are very useful for those who are trying to hire the service, but are having difficulty. Something that is actually not that common.
After all, it is very simple to sign up for Globo Play services. Just download the app on your iPhone, iPad, Apple TV or Android device. The whole process is very easy.
Still, if you have any problems or want to clarify any doubts, feel free to call. Remember that they also only answer from 09:00 to 23:00, agreed?
So, talk to them and ask for guidance. Once they have sorted everything out, open your Globo Play account and enjoy all the movies, series and benefits offered.
Online Support
Now that we have seen the available numbers, let's look at other channels for customer service. There are also several ways to talk to them over the internet, as we will see right now.
Globo Play Chat
First of all, you have the option to chat. Unlike phone support, you have direct contact 24 hours a day.
In order to access it you need to register and have a Globo account. So, you can go there through the website: https://globoplay.globo.com/chat/
Once you log in, they will ask for your email and other information. Just follow all the instructions and you will be able to access the page to clarify any questions.
Online Contact for Non-Subscribers
As well as offering their own telephone number to help those who wish to open their account, they also provide a page.
Whenever you have questions when contracting the Globo Play service, access the website: centraldeajuda.globo.com/assinar.
The help center is also available at any time to assist anyone who needs it.
Contact Us
Another method available to customers. Only those who already have an account opened through: https://minhaconta.globo.com, can access Contact Us.
Since it is very easy to register, you should not have any difficulties. So, if you have any questions, talk to them through this channel as well.
Social media
Finally, there is also the option of sending a message to Globo through its social networks. After all, these are the most popular means of communication today.
Globo Play is available to serve customers on the following platforms:
- First, Facebook, which is the largest social network in the world, through the website: https://pt-br.facebook.com/globoplay/;
- You can also send a message via Globo's Twitter, which is: https://twitter.com/globoplay;
- Or, you can talk to them on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/globoplay/.
Anyway, there are several social networks. Use the one you prefer to stay informed. Even follow Globo's networks from time to time.
After all, they can announce news or changes in some media. This way, you are already aware of everything that is happening with the platform.
Channels to complain
Now that we have seen the different channels made available by Globo Play, let's look at other ways to deal with problems on the platform.
If you need to make a serious complaint, there are also other means that you should consider. Only use them if you do not get a satisfactory response from Globo Play.
In this sense, one of the means you can try first is Procon. This is a government agency with branches throughout the country.
Some units focus on resolving issues with online services. Therefore, you can try one of them to mediate and resolve your conflict with streaming platforms.
In addition to Procon, another alternative would be Consumidor.gov.br. Through this site, you can report various types of problems with the services you purchase.
There are also very similar pages that have very similar functions. For example, the website Complain Here and some others. Choose the one you prefer to deal with this situation.
Finally, if all else fails, you can appeal to the courts. Since this is a fairly drastic measure, try your best to avoid it getting to that point, okay?
Initially, speak to other means of support, websites and Globo Play phone number. From there, you will probably be able to resolve everything without having to resort to justice.