Casas Bahia Telephone Victory of Conquest – Ba. Are you having trouble communicating with Casas Bahia? This could be a big problem, especially if you have a question, complaint or serious problem.
So, now see what the Casas Bahia Telephone in Vitóra da Conquista – Ba and also other means to speak with the company.
Casas Bahia is one of the most popular furniture and home appliance retail chains in Brazil. Since the opening of its first store in 1957, it has been committed to maintaining a level of understanding with its customers. Nowadays, with so many means of communication, the company has not been left behind and is available in many ways.
So now you know the numbers to contact Casas Bahia units. With them, we will also see the various other means available to get in touch. Check it out!
Casas Bahia phone number Victory of Conquest – Ba
First, you must decide what type of service you want. Based on what you choose, you will pick up the appropriate Casas Bahia Vitóra da Conquista – Ba Telephone number for the service you want.

To speak directly to Casas Bahia Stores in Vitória da Conquista, you can use the following telephone numbers, depending on the address:
- Bahia Houses at Lauro de Freitas Avenue, 108, telephone (77) 3429-6700
- Bahia Houses at Barão do Rio Branco Square, 105 telephone (77) 3428-6800
- Bahia Houses Shopping Conquista Sultelephone (77) 3429-6800
For example, if you prefer to be served by a physical store, you should call the following number: 3003-8889.
However, you may not want to be served by the physical store, but need e-commerce support. In other words, you want to speak to the online store, in which case you should call: (11) 4003-4336.
However, please note that there is an exception to the last number. Instead, those who live in Rio de Janeiro or nearby areas should dial: 0800-200-4336.
Done! With this you now know what the numbers are. Casas Bahia Telephone to make your calls. It is also important to pay attention to the store's opening hours. So, read below what times they receive calls:
- Physical stores are open from Monday to Friday between 8 am and 8 pm;
- In addition, they also operate on weekends, between 8 am and 6 pm;
- In turn, e-commerce is available for service between 8 am and 10 pm;
- On weekends, they are open from 8am to 8pm.
Finally, note that none of them will be available on holidays. So, pay attention to the time before calling, okay?
Alternative ways to get in touch
In addition to calling the Casas Bahia Vitóra da Conquista – Ba Telephone, there are other ways to contact the company. Therefore, follow us to find even simpler and more practical ways to clarify doubts, make suggestions or complaints.
Firstly, you can communicate with the Casas Bahia team via Social media. It's actually a more convenient way if you just want to clarify a simple question, isn't it? Even if it's not something simple, when they see your message, they can give you instructions on how to proceed to solve your problem. In addition, there are other ways such as:
- Through the messaging application, WhatsApp you can clarify your doubts about online stores;
- An Online Customer Relationship Center (CRC) Chat is also available for physical stores;
- There is also the Casas Bahia customer service email.
Now, let's understand how you can use each of them. If you decide to send a message by email, the contact address is:
However, if you prefer to use the online chat, you will need to fill out a form with your details. Once you have done this, click on “Sign in”. Through from the following link, you will have access to it.
So, as you can see, they have made many channels available for contact. Nowadays, this is really necessary because customers increasingly demand different ways to seek answers.
Casas Bahia Card Support
Finally, if you want to use the Casas Bahia Vitóra da Conquista – Ba Telephone Number to deal with your card, know that they provide their own means for this situation. Therefore, learn now how to get in touch to clarify doubts about the Casas Bahia Card.
If you need to make inquiries or request certain services, use one of the following numbers:
- 4003-4033 if calling from a Capital or Metropolitan Region;
- From any other location, dial: 0800-880-4033.
Please note that you can only be served from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm.
If you prefer to contact Customer Service, use the following number: For all of Brazil: 0800-727-9988. They will assist you any day and time. They also offer a special number for people with hearing or speech impairments.
So, if you suffer from any of these conditions, call: 0800-722-0099.
Finally, if no other means work, you can contact the Casas Bahia Card Ombudsman. Please note, however, that Casas Bahia does not have an ombudsman. This number is only for dealing with the card. In this case, call: 0800-727-9933. Customer service is available from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Naturally, they do not operate on holidays.
Anyway, now you know how to get in touch with them. Did you manage to call the Casas Bahia Telephone Victory of Conquest – Ba? Remember that there are many ways to resolve your situation, whatever it may be.