Calcard telephone number and other means of contact






In order to contact Calcard, there are many means of contact available. Discover now the Calcard phone!

Known for providing credit cards, is a large financial services company. Initially, its function was only to manage credit for the Calcenter Group.

However, the company did not remain just like that, but grew and innovated. Today, it has a greater presence in other fields, and more than 3 million card customers.


If you want to know more about it, or even if you want to make a complaint, read our article. Now we will see the means to contact Calcard.

Calcard Contact Methods

Telefone Calcard

As soon as someone becomes a Calcard customer, they have access to several means of contact. In addition to Calcard telephone numbers, there are also e-mail, contact us and more.

Meanwhile, non-customers only have the official website to ask questions and learn about its products. Through it, the company tries to attract people to consider purchasing its services.


If you are not yet a customer, check it out:, and consider becoming a Calcard customer, okay?

On the other hand, those who already have one, now know the different ways available to talk to the company. This way, you can ask questions, send suggestions and much more. Check it out!

Calcard Telephone, WhatsApp and Calcard Ombudsman

Firstly, the customer can speak to Customer Service (SAC) by calling one of the following numbers:

  • If you live in Cuiabá or Várzea Grande, dial: (65) 3614-9680;
  • From any other location, call the number: 0800-653-033.

Now, be careful about the day and time you call, okay? Just call from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. Or, call on Saturday between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm.

Otherwise you will not be able to receive assistance. Also, never call on a holiday.

In addition to calling Calcard Phone, you can also simply send a message to WhatsApp. In this sense, here are the numbers you can use:

  • +55 (48) 99112-7373, if the message is about: invoice, bill, quick withdrawal limit, balance, best day to purchase;
  • However, if your message concerns charges, then send it to: +55 (48) 99192-3193.

Pretty straightforward so far, right? Finally, you might be interested in being able to speak with the Calcard Ombudsman. In that case, dial the number: 0800 941 3033.

Now, there are two times when you can call. First, there is the morning shift which is from 09:00 to 12:00. Then there is the afternoon shift which is from 14:00 to 18:00.

Once again, there is no service on holidays. This time, not even on Saturdays. Only from Monday to Friday, understood?

Finally, you have all the numbers you need. So call them and enjoy!

Email and Contact Us

In addition to the telephone numbers we saw previously, there are also channels for contact via the internet.

First of all, it is important to note that there is a page available to answer questions. In other words, the FAQ:

Unless he is unavailable, it is a way to clarify any doubts you may have without having to contact him. This way, everything is simpler and faster for you.

However, if it is necessary to exchange information, you can try other channels. In this sense, know that Calcard is present on social networks, like Facebook.

This way, you have a very interesting way to communicate with them, don't you think? Just go to Calcard's homepage and click on the Facebook icon to see the profile.

In addition, another official means would be through Contact Us. This is a channel available for further clarification:

As soon as you enter the page, you will be asked: “Hello. How can we help?”. Just tell us what you need by filling in your details and answering what is requested.

Finally, there is also a channel available for people who suffer from some type of disability. This is the special service, via email:

With it, people who suffer from hearing and speech impairments can communicate with Calcard. Therefore, they have made channels available to serve a variety of people.

About Calcard

Since its founding in 2007, Calcard has gone beyond being just a small company that managed credit for the Calcenter Group.

From 2008 onwards, and throughout the beginning of the next decade, it continued to grow and launch insurance plans, as well as expanding its retail networks and including new features in the workplace.

It has become a financial services company that stands out in the market. In addition to being very popular for the cards it offers, it also focuses on innovation.

However, it also faces problems and difficulties. Like any company, in any sector, Calcard can improve and customer support is always welcome.

So if you need to make a complaint, or send a suggestion, do so! After all, you already have the Calcard Phone, as well as many other means of contact. So, talk to Calcard.

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