The phone number of airport in Feira de Santana It is highly sought after by people who need to travel, or obtain travel information in that location.
So today we are going to show you the phone number of airport in Feira de Santana, as well as other useful information.
Feira de Santana Airport Telephone
The phone number of Airport in Feira de Santana and the:
(75) 3625-1667
Address: 167 Antonio Sergio Carneiro Avenue – Feira de Santana – Bahia.
There are no official social networks for the airport, just one facebook page that local residents did to make posts about the place.
Airport in Feira de Santana

The Airport in Feira de Santana, Governador João Durval Carneiro Airport, is located in Feira de Santana, a municipality in Bahia, and is considered one of the best airports in the state, with a high and advanced technology infrastructure, renovated a few years ago.
In this sense, this airport was founded in 1985, receiving private and commercial flights, in addition to modernization and restructuring investments in 2011, aiming at improvements in the services provided by the airport, serving several neighboring cities in the region, around 3 million people.
Therefore, Feira de Santana airport has established itself as an important hub for the city's economic development, in addition to being one of the main gateways to the so-called Portal do Sertão, where tourists and businesses have access to the Bahian hinterland.
About Feira de Santana
Santana Fair It is the second largest city in the state of Bahia, with high levels of human development, and in growing economic, commercial and technological expansion, among other spheres, always aiming to improve the quality of life of its residents.
In this sense, as it is quite populated, it has an airport that has the necessary structure to accommodate thousands of residents, also from neighboring regions, always seeking the best service provision in all areas, and with constant renovations, the last one having been in 2014.
This is because, the airport in Feira de Santana previously it only included private flights, but now also includes commercial flights, due to the large number of people in demand for commercial flights and the city's expansive growth in the commercial, technological and industrial spheres.
Tourism in Feira de Santana
The municipality of Feira de Santana is famous for its typical festivals, such as Senhora Sant'anna, in the second half of July. In addition, there are also other tourist attractions that give symbolism to the city, such as the Senhor dos Passos Church, located in the city center, and one of the largest in the region.
In this way, the city also encompasses a huge number of people, as well as tourists who visit Feira de Santana every year to learn about its history and monuments, which implies the importance of having an airport that has all the structure and security that these people need.
Therefore, contemplating the city, the airport is also part of the tourism, since it has daily visits from people from the state and the entire country, in addition to trips to different locations, aiming at the growth of local and international tourism, which also provides an improvement in the economy.