Telefone ABN Amro


O ABN Amro é um Banco que surgiu nos Países Baixos, na cidade de Amsterdam e chegou ao Brasil nos anos 60, mais precisamente nas cidades de Rio de Janeiro e Santos. Hoje tem uma parceria consolidada com o Grupo Santander.

No momento, conta com mais de 17 mil funcionários não apenas na Holanda, mas também aqui na América do Sul. Tem todo o suporte que um Banco necessita, seja online ou também pelos seus Telefones de Atendimento.


Segmentos do Banco ABN Amro

O Banco ABN Amro tem uma grande importância na América Latina, tendo mais de um campo de atuação. Atua por exemplo na Indústria de commodities, como maquinários agrícolas e também no transporte de cargas.

Outra especialização do Banco é na parte financeira, obviamente. Atua diretamente no processo de vendas e Administração de Serviços.

Telefone ABN Amro

Para entrar em contato, basta que você ligue para 11 3073-7400 e selecione a opção de contato junto a um dos atendentes. A Central opera de segunda à sexta, das 9h às 18h.


O Serviço de Atendimento ao Consumidor está disponível para resolver questões que ficarem pendentes ou em dúvidas junto aos seus clientes. De segunda a sexta-feira, a partir das 9h da manhã, entre em contato pelo Ramal 0800 202 5777.


Solicite através do contato eletrônico as suas dúvidas e fale diretamente com um consultor autorizado a ABN Amro. A equipe digital irá avaliar o seu pedido e responder prontamente. Resolva tudo pelo

Garantido pelo Fundo Garantidor de Créditos

Todos os saldos de depósitos em dinheiro na sua conta corrente do ABN Amro são garantidos e amparados pelo FGC, além das aplicações em cadernetas de poupança ou investimentos a longo prazo, como o CDB e RDB.

Basicamente isso quer dizer que caso a Instituição Financeira venha a fechar por motivos de força maior, o Banco Central irá ressarcir valores de até R$ 250 mil por conta.

Fazer carreira no ABN Amro

Uma das melhores oportunidades é fazer carreira no ABN, se tornando um consultor junto de uma equipe de especialistas globais e de maneira sempre contínua, com trabalho recorrente.

Os benefícios para o cliente são sempre pensando no futuro dele e também da ABN Amro. Confira sempre na página do Banco oportunidades para ingressar e fazer sua carreira.

Ouvidoria ABN Amro

A Ouvidoria do ABN Amro atende juntamente da Ouvidoria do Banco Santander, do qual o mesmo faz parte. Você pode deixar sua dúvida ou registrar uma reclamação por lá, pelo 0800 726 0322, disponível de segunda a sexta-feira das 09 h às 18h, exceto em feriados.

A ouvidoria ABN Amro é um órgão específico que existe dentro da empresa e que possui um papel muito importante.Isso porque é através desse setor, da ouvidoria, que a empresa consegue avaliar, identificar e acompanhar o padrão de atendimento de seu quadro de funcionários.

Em geral, as pessoas acabam contatando uma ouvidoria quando possuem um problema com a empresa e o atendimento comum, infelizmente, não consegue resolver essa questão.

A ouvidoria do ABN Amro, portanto, deve ouvir as reclamações de seus clientes e possui o dever de garantir que a demanda seja investigada e avaliada sempre de maneira imparcial e justa.

Cada empresa define uma tratativa e o próprio funcionamento do setor. Algumas, por exemplo, acabam optando por terceirizar esse serviço, a fim de garantir uma imparcialidade maior.Outras, optam por selecionar os próprios funcionários da empresa, que já conhecem os valores da empresa, política de trocas ou devolução, além dos processos de reembolso.

Na Ouvidoria do ABN Amro, você poderá apresentar elogios, sugestões, solicitações, denúncias, manifestações e reclamações.O interessante da ouvidoria é que, além de investigar a sua questão, ela também gera um efeito na empresa.

Ouvidoria para deficientes físicos

Seguindo os regimentos, o ABN Amro oferece possibilidades para que todos os seus clientes tenham acesso a um atendimento exclusivo, como é o caso de clientes que sejam especiais.

Para estes, a Ouvidoria personalizada atende pelo 0800 771 10301, também de segunda a sexta-feira, das 09h às 18h, com exceção em feriados.

Um banco que trabalha com Sustentabilidade

Vivemos em um mundo que está marcado por grandes problemas, como a desigualdade social e também o pouco cuidado com o meio ambiente por parte de muitas pessoas. Essas questões são vitais e estão na pauta de toda a equipe que compõe o ABN Amro.

Todos os seus clientes e acionistas ficam a pé dessa situação que é importante ao Banco, através de uma cultura corporativa e que visa diminuir de todas as formas o desmatamento, queimadas e promover recursos sustentáveis.

Social media

Confira o que há de novo na equipe ou serviços do ABN Amro nas redes sociais, através de seus posts:

Complaint to the Central Bank of Brazil

Many users of banking services do not know, but when they have some kind of problem with a bank and the bank does not resolve it through its ombudsman, a very practical and viable alternative is to make a complaint to the Central Bank.

The Central Bank of Brazil is a highly regarded institution and, among other responsibilities, it is responsible for regulating and supervising the national financial system. The institution also currently works to ensure the stability of the purchasing power of money.

In the specific case of Banks, the Central Bank supervises and controls banking institutions, aiming to prevent abuses and other arbitrary acts that may be committed by the country's financial agents.

Portanto, se você teve um problema mais grave com o ABN Amro ou qualquer outra instituição financeira e este problema não foi resolvido pela ouvidoria, você pode cadastrar a sua manifestação de forma bem simples no site do Banco Central.

Uma vez realizada a reclamação, o Banco Central vai entrar em contato direto com o ABN Amro para solicitar informações sobre a reclamação efetuada.

In normal situations, the Central Bank takes around 8 to 10 business days to respond to the citizen. However, this period depends largely on how long the bank that was complained about takes to respond.

If your complaint is fair, the Bank will usually reverse its procedure or in some way seek to correct the error made, notifying the Central Bank about this occurrence.

Logically, if your complaint to the Central Bank is unfounded, no action will be taken, as the Central Bank will analyze your case and forward it to the institution, acting in this case as a mediator of the problem.

As previously mentioned, it is very simple to file a complaint with the Central Bank. The entire procedure is carried out online, and it is important that you register an email address to receive notifications each time the process is processed.

Another very important point to remember is the need to have the complaint receipt protocol at the Bank on hand. Have this number on hand as you will need it when making your claims.

It is also important to clarify that the Central Bank will ask you to write a text explaining exactly what happened between you and the bank. At this point, be as detailed as possible, providing the date, time, name of the attendant, what was said, protocol number, etc. Don't leave anything out!

Step by step: making a complaint on the Central Bank website

To initiate the complaint procedure at the Central Bank, you can click here.

ABN Amro reclamação

As you can see in the image below, you must enter your CPF number and select Complaint against Financial System Institutions.

ABN Amro

Solve the Captha and the screen will open for you to fill in the necessary data:

  • Choose the name of the Institution
  • Select Subject
  • Enter your message, stating the complaint you want to make
  • Enter the Financial Institution's protocol number
ABN Amro

From there, the Central Bank will ask for your email and telephone number, generating the service protocol after that.

With the complaint protocol in hand, as stated above, you just need to wait for the bank's response regarding your complaint.

Questions and Answers about Complaints at the Central Bank

1- Which institutions does the Central Bank supervise?

​The Central Bank supervises multiple banks, commercial banks, cooperative banks, investment banks, development banks, exchange banks, savings banks, credit unions, credit, financing and investment companies, real estate credit companies, leasing companies, exchange brokerage companies, securities brokerage companies, securities distribution companies, development agencies, mortgage companies, credit companies for microentrepreneurs and small businesses, payment institutions and consortium administrators.

2- Can I file a complaint against an Institution authorized to operate by the Central Bank?

Yes, complaints may be filed by customers and users of products and services from financial institutions and other institutions authorized to operate by the Central Bank, such as credit unions, payment institutions and consortium administrators, whenever there is evidence of non-compliance with legal and regulatory provisions whose supervision is the responsibility of this Agency.

3- Does a complaint to the Central Bank have the same effects as a lawsuit?

​No. The Central Bank acts in the administrative sphere and does not replace legal action. Therefore, if your problem is not resolved by the Central Bank, you can file a lawsuit.

4- Does the Central Bank regulate the waiting time in bank queues?

​No. The Central Bank does not regulate waiting times in queues. There are state and municipal laws that address this issue. It is up to consumer protection agencies (Procon, Prodecon, Decon) to provide guidance on this topic.

5- Does the Central Bank set the value of fees charged by banks?

The Central Bank does not determine the amount of fees. However, there are some services that banks must provide free of charge. Subject to the prohibitions, each institution is free to establish the amount of its fees.

Taking Legal Action Against a Bank: Is It Worth It?

Many people wonder whether it is worth taking legal action against a bank. Is it feasible? Is it worth it? To answer this question, first of all, you need to know the extent of your problem with the banking institution.

We know that most of the problems involving customers and banks are issues that are easier to resolve through a complaint to the bank's own ombudsman or even by making a statement to the Central Bank.

However, when the situation is more complicated and involves larger amounts, the customer may consider filing a lawsuit against the financial institution, knowing that this will be a last resort, after exhausting administrative avenues for resolving the conflict.

One option for those who were unable to resolve the issue through conventional means is to file a lawsuit in Small Claims Court in your region, which is the competent body to process cases of up to 40 minimum wages. It is important to emphasize that, for cases of less than 20 minimum wages, it is not mandatory to appoint a lawyer.

Another advantage of JEFS that cannot be forgotten is the absence of legal costs for litigants, that is, you will not need to pay anything to file a lawsuit against the Bank.

To be successful in a case before the Small Claims Court, it is important that you gather as many documents as possible, such as contracts, bank statements, emails, collection letters, proof of payment, etc.

Another fundamental thing in this type of process is to have all the details of the Bank against which you are going to file the lawsuit: address, telephone number, CNPJ, name of the manager, among other important information so that the justice officials can locate the financial agent.

And as previously mentioned, there is no need to hire a lawyer, although if you have the means, this is highly recommended, considering that in more complex cases the assistance of a specialist will be essential for you to be successful in the dispute.

Therefore, now that you know all the details about how to file a lawsuit against a bank, it is up to you to decide whether or not this is viable, whether it is the best solution or not.

Other forms of complaint against a Bank

If you don't know, nowadays there are several ways to complain and show your dissatisfaction with banking services. This means that you are not obliged to accept any type of illegality on the part of any agent of the country's financial system.

Unfortunately, nowadays, all sorts of irregularities occur in banking transactions. People are paying excessive interest or fees, others have their credit ratings listed without owing a single cent. In short, there are all sorts of complaints.

If, like many Brazilians, you have complaints about banking services or customer service, you should know that society has increasingly created mechanisms to give voice to dissatisfied people. Here we will give you just a few examples of how you can complain about abusive practices by banks.

You can choose between some of the complaint methods or you can even use all of them until your problem is finally resolved. Remember that first of all it is important to try to resolve the problem with the bank you have complaints about and only after that you can take other actions to protect your rights.

Complain here website

O Site Reclame Aqui é uma plataforma privada, mas que tem ajudado muitas pessoas a solucionarem os seus problemas junto às instituições financeiras como ABN Amro por exemplo, que tem um boa reputação na plataforma.

Reclame Aqui works as follows: the person who wants to make a complaint registers on the website, makes their statement in writing, being able to present any documents they deem necessary and completes the request by generating a protocol.

After this, the Reclame Aqui website itself contacts the company complained about, which normally informs its version of the facts and often solves the customer's problem.

Most companies respond very well to complaints made on this platform, while others don't respond at all. But in general, it's worth trying to make a complaint on the website. Access here to learn about the service.


A well-known body among Brazilians is Procon, always remembered for its fight to defend consumers. Procon is linked to the States and serves the entire population when it comes to consumer protection codes.

If you have easy access to this body, a complaint to Procon may be a viable alternative. It is known that financial institutions as a whole, especially banks, often have serious problems with their customers, and Procon may be the defender of the weaker side at this time.

Another advantage of seeking out Procon to file a complaint is the fact that it is a public service, that is, completely free, in which the consumer can have a strong arm in their defense against the abuse of power by large corporations.

Important Notice

O site Achei Celular é um projeto independente que não possui nenhum vínculo com o ABN Amro e nem com as entidades governamentais de defesa do consumidor. O objetivo deste artigo foi apenas informar sobre o telefone do ABN Amro and other forms of contact with the institution, for informational purposes only. If you have any complaints to make, look for the companies' official channels and under no circumstances leave any personal data in the comments field.

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