Learn more about the new WhatsApp design for iOS. Here’s what’s really changed. While testing several features on the beta channel, WhatsApp stable has started rolling out the new design to select users on iPhone. The news was confirmed by the folks at WABetaInfo and the improvement wasn’t even included in the changelog of version 23.21.72. […]
Tips for entrepreneurs. Check out how to use your cell phone to issue invoices. Since January 2023, Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEIs) can now issue Electronic Service Invoices (NFS-e) via cell phone. This procedure can be performed through the NFS-e Mobile app, which also allows you to consult documents already distributed and […]
Here’s how to improve your iPhone’s audio. Learn practical tips. An iPhone with low or muffled sound can be distracting while watching a movie or series, talking on the phone, or listening to music. Fortunately, you can improve the audio quality of your Apple phone with a few simple tips. Whether you’re adjusting […]
Understand the latest leaks about the Xiaomi 14. The device should have thinner edges than the iPhone 15. The Xiaomi 14 could soon be announced as the brand's new top-of-the-line smartphone and although the manufacturer tries to keep this a secret, several leaks have revealed the alleged specifications and design of the […]
Cell phones and traffic don’t mix. Understand the reasons why the device is prohibited while driving. The use of cell phones has become so common nowadays that it is difficult to imagine a person who doesn’t have one. However, when used indiscriminately, they can be harmful to both the user and other people […]
Confira o histórico dos celulares até chegar nos smartphones que temos hoje. Veja qual foi o primeiro aparelho do mundo. Os telefones celulares são objetos revolucionários na história da humanidade. Estes dispositivos representam um importante passo em frente na forma como as pessoas em todo o mundo utilizam as comunicações nas suas vidas diárias. Portanto, […]
A Xiaomi vai abandonar o MIUI? Saiba mais sobre o novo sistema da marca chinesa abaixo. HyperOS é o novo sistema operacional da Xiaomi, anunciado nesta última terça-feira (17). Segundo a empresa, a substituição da interface MIUI foi projetada para funcionar com total integração entre os dispositivos da marca, incluindo os carros elétricos da gigante […]
Apple tem que pagar 5 mil reais a brasileiro. Entenda o caso. A Apple foi condenada a pagar R$ 5 mil por danos emocionais a um consumidor cujo iPhone foi roubado e atacado por criminosos, um golpe que se tornou cada vez mais popular no últimos anos. A sentença de primeira instância, passível de recurso, […]
The American giant has been gaining more space in the market. Check out what is behind Apple's growth. Apple lost significant share in the mobile phone market after reaching its peak at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. However, according to data released by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) last Wednesday (18), the company […]
Here are the six best features in Android 14. Check out what’s new from Google. Android 14, the new version of Google’s operating system, was released to the public in recent weeks. In addition to new lock screen customization options, the latest generation of the system also includes a new tool for creating […]