You will find all the content we have on this subject: crianças.
Cecília woke up and felt something very square on her shoulders. She got up to brush her teeth and when she looked in the mirror: “Aaaaaaaah! My head is SQUARE!” The character in the book “The Girl with the Square Head” is inspired by a girl of the same name who, at age 7, was always glued to her tablet. Find out more: Lenovo […]
When considering when it is appropriate to give a child their first mobile phone, and how to ensure safe use of technology in the first place, it is essential to approach these issues with sensitivity and adequate information to provide a safe and constructive online environment for young people. However, there is no single answer as to the correct age to […]
Pesquisa recente TIC Kids Online Brasil 2023 revela que as crianças começam a explorar a internet aos seis anos através do celular. Essa realidade pode surpreender, mas mostra a adaptação da sociedade às novas tecnologias desde cedo. É crucial entender o papel dos responsáveis nesse cenário. Entenda mais: Apps para Gerenciamento de Tarefas: Trabalho Organizado […]