Find out what signs a cell phone gives before it explodes. Learn how to avoid the accident.
Nowadays, smartphones are an essential part of most people's daily lives, as we use them for both work and entertainment. In addition, a lot of personal data and even our money are stored on these technological devices.
Therefore, taking care of your smartphones is extremely important to avoid problems and damage. In a climate where news of cell phone explosions is frequent and widespread, pay attention to the signs your cell phone is giving you that something is wrong.
Battery risk
Before discussing the signs, it is necessary to emphasize the relationship between the explosion and the battery. Nowadays, cell phone manufacturers use lithium to manufacture this component. This solution is recommended because it is an “environmentally friendly” option and because it meets the high power demands of today's devices.
However, this chemical can pose some risks because it is highly explosive when exposed to water and air. In other words, any problem that allows this contact can cause serious internal problems and even blow up the cell phone.
Signs that your cell phone may explode
Before exploding, the device and battery show signs and symptoms that may occur, such as in the following situations:
Cell phone overheating
Is your phone so hot that it hurts your hand to use it? This is one of the most alarming signs that your phone may explode because the battery may overheat. This can be caused by many things, from exposure to sunlight to a faulty battery or charger. However, it is worth noting that it is natural for your phone to heat up while it is in use and it only becomes a problem if the temperature is too high.
Screen pops out
If your phone's screen protrudes and looks out of place compared to the rest of your phone, be careful. This is one of the main signs that your phone's battery is swollen. According to an article from the University of the State of Santa Catarina (UDESC), this phenomenon can occur due to excessive charging, fluid ingress or other unwanted chemical reactions.
Overheating during charging
Just like when you use it, the device will get a little warm while charging, which is normal. However, if the temperature is too high, it could be a sign that the battery is not receiving enough charge.
How to Prevent Cell Phones from Exploding
If you notice any of these or other signs that your smartphone is in danger, you should always stop using the device. In case of overheating, you can also open the device and let the battery cool down.
In an interview with Jornal Nacional, the executive director of the Brazilian Association for Awareness of the Dangers of Electricity (Abracopel), Edson Martinho, highlighted some tips to avoid these accidents, such as not leaving your cell phone under your pillow while you are sleeping. Abracopel's own research also recommends giving priority to chargers with the seal of the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) and avoiding charging for many hours in a row.
Finally, electrical engineer Leonardo Guedes, also interviewed by Jornal Nacional, suggested avoiding charging your cell phone in humid places, as this could cause a short circuit and even an explosion of the device.