Initiative aims to reduce the number of cell phone thefts and robberies and protect users' data. Learn more about it!
The Ministry of Justice and Public Security is expected to launch the “Celular Seguro” app this October, a platform to block cell phones in case of theft or robbery. The information was initially released by Folha de S. Paulo, but was later confirmed by the National Telecommunications Agency, Anatel.
Users can register their cell phone number and that of a trusted person in advance on the federal government app. The goal is to increase the speed of communications in the event of cell phone theft, as explained by Febraban, the Brazilian Federation of Banks, which is one of the partners in the initiative.
Learn more about this app now and find out how it will work!

Secure Mobile App
Through a note sent to the Olhar Digital portal, Febraban explained that it is working with the Ministry of Justice and Public Security to integrate banks into the government initiative that aims to create the application, where users can register their cell phone number and that of a trusted person, so that there is greater agility in communications in the event of their cell phone being stolen. The note also says that more information will be released soon by the Ministry.
The registration process can be carried out through the app or website, with authentication via, from the federal government. According to the department's executive secretary, Ricardo Cappelli, adding trusted people speeds up the blocking of the device, since the user will not need to contact banks and operators for this.
This initiative is the result of a partnership between the department, Febraban and Anatel. According to Cappelli, the goal is to prevent robbers from accessing banking applications and personal information, protecting the integrity of users' data.
He also reported that negotiations are underway with technology giants such as Google and Meta to enable the blocking of the Android operating system and social networks. For the secretary, this new development could have a significant impact on reducing the rates of cell phone theft in the country, without the need for confrontation or violence.
According to him, this discourages theft. The thief will not even have access to the apps and the device will be worth R$10, and if Google gets in, it will erase the phone's operating system and then it will become a piece of metal.
Febraban recently announced new measures to help the population against scams and frauds on Pix, where criminals try to steal money from victims in different ways. According to the deputy director of Services at Febraban, Walter Tadeu Pinto, a Fraud Prevention Seal will be launched, which will be a way to regulate banking institutions through some requirements.
A consultancy firm hired by the Federation will visit institutions annually to check whether they are complying with the rules. If the response is positive, they will receive the seal, which will indicate that the transactions have a low risk of fraud.
The deputy director stated that this is a way of showing the population that banks care about the security of their customers and that they are willing to find ways to offer more protection.
In 2022 alone, R$1.4 billion was invested in security mechanisms and prevention of digital fraud. However, the number of scams increased by R$1,651,300.