Learn how to sell items through Facebook Marketplace. The service is simple and free!
At some point in our lives, we may open a drawer in our home and find several items that could easily be sold, including an old cell phone, or even our own, so that it can be replaced with a more powerful one. For this, there are many platforms that allow the sale of products online, such as Facebook. Through the social network, the chances of finding people interested in doing business can be high.
Facebook has a kind of virtual store within the network, called Marketplace, where you can advertise various items for free. Therefore, if you want to sell an object or your cell phone, learn how to advertise on the social network and discover some precautions before selling your smartphone, to keep your data and personal information safe.

It is important to remember that, unlike some services, on Facebook You are solely responsible for the sale, from negotiation, payment method and delivery of the item. As with all websites, there are some restrictions on what can be sold. Therefore, it is important to check the terms of use of the service before creating the ad. Once you are aware of the complete information, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Facebook account;
- Look for the “Marketplace” option on the left side of the screen and access it;
- Click on the “Sell an item” option;
- Fill in the fields with the description of the item you are selling and click on the “Publish” option.
Cell phone:
- Open the Facebook app and go to the Marketplace tab at the top of the screen;
- Click on the “What are you selling?” option and select one of the available categories;
- Fill in the fields with the necessary information and click “Next”. Then, select where the ad will be shared and click on the “Publish” option.
This way, you can now advertise on the social network. If you are interested in an item for sale and want to know more details, you can contact the seller using the contact information available in the ad.
Before selling your cell phone, it is important to take some precautions to ensure that everything goes smoothly, protecting your personal data that is present on it. If this is your wish, check out some tips to follow before selling:
1 – Back up your files
Before anything else, it is important that you back up the files on your phone, such as photos, messages, videos, contacts and documents. You can do this through cloud storage services, such as Google Drive, or transfer the data to a computer, pen drive or external HD.
2 – Log out of your accounts
It is also important to log out of all accounts logged into the device, such as email and social networks. Also write down all the passwords before deleting your login details. This way, you can access these accounts again more easily on your new phone.
3 – Delete your data
After you’ve backed up your device and signed out of your accounts, you should erase all of your personal data so that no one else can access it. The easiest way to do this is to perform a factory reset, making it as good as new. This is irreversible, so it’s important to make sure that your data is backed up.
4 – Remove the chip and memory card
Remember to remove the chip and memory card, as they contain important information, such as contacts and personal data. By removing them, you ensure that no one else will have access to them.