The area code for Mato Grosso do Sul is 67.
Many people who need to call a city in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul are unsure about which area code to use in this case. Therefore, in order to guide you on how to make a DDD call, we have prepared this article with all the necessary information so that you can make your call.
DDD stands for direct distance dialing, which is when you make a long-distance call to another city that is not in the same area as you. If the number you are calling is in the same area as yours, you do not need to enter the area code and can dial directly.
Area code of Mato Grosso do Sul
The area code to make calls to any city in Mato Grosso do Sul:
- 67
See how to make a call with DDD
Making a DDD call is a very easy procedure, as we will demonstrate below:
0 + your operator code + area code + landline or cell phone number
Don't know your carrier code? See:
- CTBC/Algar: 12
- Vivo/Telefonica/GVT: 15 (25, from GVT, is no longer used since the operator is now part of Vivo)
- Claro/NET/Embratel: 21
- Hey: 31 (if you are in the South region, the code is 14)
- TIM: 41
- Sercomtel: 43
- Nextel: 99
It is important for you to know that the DDD corresponds to the location where the telephone number is registered and not to the location of the cell phone.
See how to make collect calls to another state
As an example, let's say you have a cell phone number from São Paulo (11) and for some reason you are in Mato Grosso do Sul (67) the person calling you should use the code 11.
DDD for all cities in Mato Grosso do Sul
Check below the area codes for all cities in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.Clear Water 67 Alcinópolis 67 Amambai 67 Anastacio 67 Anaurilandia 67 Angelica 67 Anthony John 67 Appearance of Taboado 67 Aquidauana 67 Aral Moreira 67 Bandeirantes 67 Bataguassu 67 Batayporã 67 Beautiful view 67 Bodoquena 67 Beautiful 67 Brazilandia 67 Caarapo 67 Camapuã 67 Campo Grande 67 Snail 67 Cassilandia 67 Southern Plateau 67 Corguinho 67 Colonel Sapucaia 67 Corumba 67 Costa Rica 67 Cushion 67 Deodapolis 67 Two Brothers of Buriti 67 Douradina 67 Golden 67 Eldorado 67 Fatima of the South 67 Fig tree 67 Glory of Dourados 67 Lopes da Laguna Guide 67 Iguatemi 67 Innocence 67 Itaporã 67 Itaquirai 67 Ivinhema 67 Japanese 67 Jaraguari 67 Garden 67 Jatei 67 Juti 67 Ladario 67
Carapan Lagoon | 67 |
Maracaju | 67 |
Miranda | 67 |
New World | 67 |
Navirai | 67 |
Nioaque | 67 |
New Dawn of the South | 67 |
New Andradina | 67 |
New Southern Horizon | 67 |
Water Paradise | 67 |
Paranaiba | 67 |
Paranhos | 67 |
Pedro Gomes | 67 |
Pora Point | 67 |
Port Murtinho | 67 |
Ribas do Rio Pardo | 67 |
Bright River | 67 |
Black River | 67 |
Green River of Mato Grosso | 67 |
Rock | 67 |
Saint Rita of Pardo | 67 |
Saint Gabriel of the West | 67 |
Selviria | 67 |
Seven Falls | 67 |
Sidrolandia | 67 |
Sound | 67 |
Tacuru | 67 |
Taquarussu | 67 |
Lands | 67 |
Three Lagoons | 67 |
Vincentian | 67 |