Key Google Analytics Metrics for Decision Making






Decision making is a very important process in any business and can greatly benefit from the analysis of metrics. Google Analytics.

But, contrary to what many people think, it is not difficult to use this resource. This is because it presents results that are easy to analyze by anyone.

In other words, you don't need to be an expert in numbers, graphs, etc., you just need to be interested in applying such data to your business strategies. marketing and sales.


Because through them you will better understand your target audience, by identifying their patterns and reactions after visiting your website.

This will help you understand which strategies have been effective and which have not. Want to learn more about this topic? Keep reading!

Google Analytics Metrics for You to Analyze

If you've heard about Google Analytics metrics but still don't know exactly what this tool is, we'll first briefly explain it.


Google Analytics is characterized as a resource for digital marketing management. This is because it groups together several functionalities that adapt to different types of companies.

Some companies like BQHost, which has more than 15 years of experience in the market, carry out the website creation in Curitiba integrated with this feature.

As well as throughout the national territory, thus allowing owners of a given domain to have access to crucial information about their business.

For example, related to your visitors and the impact of your campaigns, and for this, it is important to know a little more about your metrics – which we will do next!

Basically, Analytics is used to inform the results of your digital marketing strategies, measuring all your actions much more accurately.

This makes it easier to understand your audience and their actions, making your decision-making increasingly assertive, improving it based on your own audience.

1. Visits (sessions) and visitors:

One of the most important Google Analytics metrics for evaluating the performance of a platform is the one that identifies:

  • Sessions: the number of times your website was accessed in a given period;
  • Visitors: is the number of people, individually, who visited your website in a given period.

It is worth noting that the number of sessions even considers more than one access from the same visitor, while visitors are always counted as the same.

Another metric, linked to this one, that is also important is the one that identifies where your users are. For example, let's say you have made the website creation in Goiânia.

But, be getting access from other states like Rio de Janeiro and even in Acre, this can be identified by metrics.

Then, it indicates its geographic reach – which may even be international. This allows us to understand the possibility of expanding the business.

  • Number of users: another similar metric is the one that counts all the hits that have ever been received on your website. If this remains low, it means that visitors come and don't return.

2. Duration of sessions:

It is among the most important Google Analytics metrics for decision-making, as it sheds a lot of light on the impact of your content.

This is because this metric tells you how long visitors spend on your website. If they stay there for a while, it means you have managed to create engagement.

But if they come and go quickly, this could demonstrate a lack of quality or attraction in your content, page loading issues, among others.

With this information in mind, you can know where to improve. It's as if you were applying the SWOT matrix in a certain way:

  • Forces;
  • Weaknesses;
  • Opportunities;
  • Threats.

3. Google Analytics metrics about users:

In addition to visits, visitors and session duration, it is always important to analyze other aspects about your users, such as:

  • Active users: this metric is responsible for identifying your visitors' navigation in real time and which pages they are visiting;
  • Traffic source: another metric that evaluates your users, but identifies how they arrived at your platform. In other words, whether it was through organic search, links, direct traffic or campaigns.

4. Bounce rate:

Also known as Bounce Rate, this metric analyzes the percentage of visitors who abandoned your site after the first page viewed.

Although it is usually high, this does not eliminate the importance of creating quality content. However, you should increase your focus on engagement.

This leads to a reduction in this rate and an increase in the time spent on the site, always focusing on adding value to your audience.

5. Google Analytics metrics on navigation:

Whether your website is created in Curitiba or any other region, evaluating details about navigation is always very important to better understand the impact of your content and actions.

  • Devices: One of the most important metrics to analyze is which devices your audience usually uses to consume your content. It is known that mobile browsing is growing more and more nowadays, so it is essential to analyze your mobile performance as well;

  • Most visited: in terms of navigation, you can also identify which pages on your website are most visited. With this, you can always seek to improve it, review information and even create others with the same footprint.


Throughout this article, we have seen more about how some of the main Google Analytics metrics work, which are fundamental in decision-making for any business.

This is because they determine the impact that your content and actions have on the public. Therefore, it is possible to reformulate, adjust and correct your strategies whenever necessary.

Companies like BQHost, integrate these resources during the website creation phase in Goiânia and throughout the country.

In other words, with the aim of making life easier for its partners and associates, offering, from the very beginning of its website, the possibility of using metrics to its advantage.

And you, tell us in the comments if you have had or have experience using this data and how it has benefited your business!

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