Can you use your CELL PHONE WHILE DRIVING while the traffic light is RED?






Using a cell phone while driving is considered a very serious offense, with a fine and points added to your driver's license. Find out more!

Using a cell phone while driving is prohibited in Brazil, according to current traffic laws. The practice is already the third leading cause of fatal accidents in the country, behind only factors such as alcohol consumption and speeding. Using a cell phone while driving has already surpassed factors such as drowsiness and fatigue and causes the deaths of around 154 people per day, 54,000 per year throughout the country.

Using a cell phone while driving a vehicle is considered a very serious offense, with a fine of R$1,400,293.47 and seven points added to your driver's license. However, many drivers have doubts about using a cell phone in the car while the traffic light is red.


Will this action result in a fine and points added to your driver's license? Find out now and clear up any other questions related to this topic!

Uso de celular ao volante MATA: saiba mais sobre os dados

Does using a cell phone at a red traffic light result in a fine?

As already mentioned, the using a cell phone while driving This is a practice that can result in fines, as well as more serious consequences, such as accidents with fatalities. Therefore, Brazilian traffic laws establish strict rules regarding the use of cell phones while driving, including during the period when the traffic light is red.

The Brazilian Traffic Code, in Article 252, establishes the prohibition of using a cell phone while driving a vehicle. Except when the vehicle is parked in a regular and safe place. Therefore, in any situation in which the vehicle is moving, even if stopped at a traffic light, the cell phone use It is a very serious offense.


This action results in a fine of R$$293.47 and the addition of 7 points to your National Driver's License. In the event of a repeat offense within a 12-month period, the fine for using a cell phone may double in value, according to the Sole Paragraph of Article 252 of the CTB.

The legislation aims to guarantee the safety of all users of public roads, including pedestrians, who can also be victims of accidents if drivers are distracted when using their cell phones.


According to data from the Brazilian Association of Traffic Medicine, using a cell phone while driving is the third leading cause of traffic fatalities, accounting for 154 deaths per day in the country, surpassing issues such as drowsiness and fatigue while driving. The main causes continue to be alcohol consumption and speeding, but the number of accidents caused by smartphone use has been growing steadily.

Cell phone use while driving is more common among people under 30, and women are more likely to be involved in accidents while driving while distracted while using a cell phone. According to data from the association, texting while driving at 80 km/h is equivalent to driving blindfolded for a distance of 100 meters. Calls can also disrupt drivers' concentration, as brain activity remains focused on the subject even moments after the call has ended, which can lead to accidents.

The data is worrying experts on the subject, since in addition to drivers, the practice has also increased among motorcyclists, who have started using cell phones while riding their motorcycles.

Currently, Brazil has more than 240 million cell phones spread across its territory, and their use has influenced the growing number of traffic accidents. In addition, the constant use of the device has also caused health problems in people who use it excessively, causing addiction and anxiety symptoms.

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