Pay your BILLS using your cell phone and NEVER GO TO THE BANK AGAIN: learn now






Paying bills using your cell phone is a safe and fast way. Learn how to do it and stop wasting time in lines!

With a busy routine of work, studies and taking care of the house, going to the bank is an almost impossible task. However, there are several ways to pay bills and make financial transactions using your cell phone, without having to leave the house and waste time in huge lines at the bank.

When paying bills using your phone, you can save the receipt to your phone's memory, for better financial organization. Learn now how to pay your bills using your phone and stop wasting time in lines!


Internet Banking

The user can access a personal area on the bank's website by entering access information and a password to use it. The password can be created through the bank's customer service channels. banking institution. Once you have created your password, simply go to the website, enter your information and start using the services digitally.

It is important to pay attention to the authenticity of the website, since personal and private information will be used. To do this, check that the page address is correct and that the content really belongs to the bank.

To make payments, simply:


– Search for the “Payment” option;

– Choose the payment method;

– Provide information about the payment slip, such as barcode, amount to be paid and others;

– Confirm payment.


Banks also offer mobile apps that allow you to pay bills and other transactions. The main difference is that in the app, you can open the device's camera to read the barcode, making it even easier to make the payment.

For that:

– Access your bank’s app;

– Select the “Payments” option;

– Choose the option to read the barcode or enter the code manually;

– Position the camera for reading and enter the code;

– Confirm payment.

Digital wallets

It is also possible to make payments through digital wallets or e-wallets. Digital wallets are applications that transform cell phones or smartwatches into means of payment. Users can register credit or debit cards and also make cash deposits. This means they can pay for their purchases with the digital wallet using just their cell phone, without needing a physical card.

Digital wallets also allow for bill payments and transfers, as well as cell phone top-ups and investments and loans.

The main digital wallets include: PicPay, Iti Itaú, AME Digital, Bitz, Recarga Pay, PayPal, Mercado Pago and PagBank. The mobile operating system already offers digital wallets to users, which are: Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay and Garmin Pay.

To use it, simply register your credit or debit card on the platform, validate the registration with your bank, and that's it. You can also include food and meal cards, and loyalty program cards.

Digital wallets are considered secure, as establishments do not have access to customer data, as is the case with physical cards. In addition, digital wallets use multiple layers of protection, with password authentication, facial recognition, biometrics, and iris scanning. Therefore, even if the cell phone is used by other people, transactions will only be allowed after confirmation of this information.

You can use digital wallets to make online and in-person purchases, pay bills, pay for delivery orders, use public transport and even make payments while traveling, facilitating transactions.

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