Since 2019, WhatsApp is the application most popular in the world. Still, some users seek improvements in Mods like OgwhatsApp.
Like many other WhatsApp Mods, OG has some of the same advantages and risks. For example, it allows access to several additional features.
At the same time, there is a negative side to using an app that can raise doubts about its reliability and security. The same is true for other Mods.
If you are interested in using it, come with us. Now we will tell you everything you need to know about it, including its technical information and ways to download it. Check it out!
News and information about OgwhatsApp
First, let's clarify some of the most important points about OgwhatsApp. The app has been around since 2014 and its developer is OGmods.
Please note that the APK is free to download and use, so you won't have to worry about the app's costs.
In order to run it on your device it is essential that it is Android 5.0 or higher. Older versions simply do not support the APK.
Speaking of versions, OGmods still publishes updates to its app regularly. So, keep an eye out for any new releases about OG, okay?
Currently the latest version is 2.19.17. However, as we said, it is important to note that new updates may come when you least expect it.
Use OgwhatsApp
Now that we have seen the basic information about this Mod, let's look at some interesting features. Through them, the user can make the most of the messaging app.
First, note that you have language options to choose from. That's right, it's not limited to Brazilian Portuguese, but also offers other possible languages.
Additionally, you can take advantage of several new features that many people wish existed on WhatsApp. For example, the message scheduling feature.
It is very common that at some important moments you need to send a message to a friend or relative. As soon as the moment arrives, sometimes we end up forgetting.
Have you ever been in this kind of situation? In that case, OgwhatsApp is the app for you. Because it already comes with a feature to send messages with prior appointment.
You just need to have a good internet connection to make the most of this feature. After all, if you don't have internet, you won't be able to send messages.
However, don't think that scheduling messages is the only new feature that OG offers. Among the main functions that the APK offers to users, we can mention several. Check it out now!
First of all, you don't need to worry about getting banned from the platform. Sometimes this happens to users who use modified versions of the platform. WhatsApp.
However, there is no risk of facing this situation with OG. The developers have made this APK more user-friendly by being able to handle this.
Status Download
With this feature, the user can download and archive the statuses and stories that their contacts present.
This way, in addition to sharing what you experienced and seeing what others publish, you can also save this information.
Sometimes it's great for dealing with longing. It can even be useful for reminding someone of an event or clarifying an incident that occurred.
Call blocking
If you have to deal with a contact who calls you frequently, you can block them. This way, you don't have to block the person, but only your inconvenient connections.
Just like the original WhatsApp, it is also possible to block unwanted contacts.
Calls to other users
Unlike the official app where you need to add a number to make calls, in OG, you don't need to do so.
In other words, it is possible to send messages and call people who are not among your contacts.
This way, you don't need to fill your list with people you only want to talk to once to ask a question. Just add the contacts you really want to reach.
Send messages
Finally, you have much fewer restrictions on sending messages. You can even send 90 images simultaneously via OG. So take advantage and send your messages!
Steps to download and install APK
Finally, after knowing all the benefits that this MOD offers to users, let's see how to download it. So, follow the steps you need to take to get the OG:
- First of all, in your device’s settings, enable “unknown sources”;
- Afterwards, you can download the app. There are several websites where you can download it, including:;
- Once the download is complete, access the folder with the APK;
- Then, double click on it and select the install option;
- Once the installation is complete, open the app;
- Enter your device number;
- After a few minutes to verify your number, the app will be ready to use.
Done! If you want to backup your Previous WhatsApp, you can select the “Restore” option.
From there, just enjoy. Note that OG is not very different from the official WhatsApp.
Now it's time to use the OgwhatsApp. So, start by setting your profile picture, name, status and other general information. Make the most of your new MOD.