There are RULES to using CELL PHONES that Brazilians are unaware of: find out what they are!






Rules are ideal for maintaining good manners and harmony in everyday interactions.

With the advancement of technology, the use of cell phone has become increasingly common in our daily lives, due to the ease and speed of information and interactions with people from anywhere in the world. However, for conscious and problem-free use, it is essential to follow some rules of etiquette, which will contribute to a good relationship between the parties, avoiding embarrassment and misunderstandings.

photo: disclosure


What are the rules and how to follow them?

Answer the phone promptly or return missed calls

When the phone rings, it is best to answer it immediately, showing interest. If this is not possible, return the call as soon as you can.

With this attitude, the other person will feel valued and will recognize that you did your best to get in touch.


Ignoring calls or taking a long time to answer can convey a feeling of disinterest or disregard for the person, which can harm your relationships, especially if the calls are of a professional nature.

It is important to introduce yourself and greet the other person politely.

When starting a call, it is important that you introduce yourself and greet the other person in a cordial manner, contributing to a friendly and positive dialogue.

Attend to the person, ask how you can help, show that you are willing to help them with whatever they need, and answer all their questions clearly. These attitudes will improve your interactions.

Avoid addressing sensitive topics through messages

To maintain clarity of information and maintain healthy relationships, avoid discussing sensitive topics via text messages. As useful and practical as they may be, some topics can be misinterpreted and lead to serious discussions, causing conflicts that could easily be avoided.

In these cases, it is advisable that the conversation be conducted via audio or video calls.

Avoid eating or drinking during a call

The sounds produced when eating or drinking something can be amplified during a voice call, which can cause irritation or distraction to the person on the other end of the line, as well as making it difficult to understand the subject being discussed during the call.

Therefore, it is essential that these attitudes are avoided, respecting the time and attention that the other person is giving to the matter, ensuring clear communication without distractions.

Check out some more guidelines

Avoid talking on the phone in inappropriate places

Making calls in places like restaurants, libraries or movie theaters is extremely unpleasant for the people around you, who want to focus on what they are doing at the moment. Therefore, avoid using your cell phone in these environments and show consideration and respect to others.

Respect other people's privacy

With the frequent use of cell phones in public spaces, it is important to remember that personal and confidential information can be shared unintentionally, through messages or links. Therefore, it is important to be careful when discussing private matters in these places, so that people's privacy is not violated.

Deal with this type of matter in private environments, such as your office or home, ensuring that important and personal information is not shared with other people, avoiding embarrassment.

Control your tone of voice

To avoid discomfort, always remember to keep your voice low, especially in public places and work environments. This way, you avoid distracting those around you and keep the subject private, without private information being overheard by third parties.

Adjust the volume of your voice and maintain respect and consideration for the place and the people who are part of your daily life.

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