What should you consider when exchanging your cell phone? Be smart!






Choose a new phone wisely. Here's what you need to consider before making the switch.

A recent study sheds light on Brazilians' behavior when it comes to changing their cell phones, and the results show a significant change in consumer habits. Before the coronavirus pandemic, it was common for many Brazilians to replace their smartphones every year.

However, waiting times now tend to be significantly longer. The survey was conducted by consultancy GfK with 7,784 respondents throughout 2022. The study found that of the 30 million phones sold in Brazilian retail stores last year, a staggering 22 million were similar models. In other words, people did not upgrade to so-called “better” phones. Read on to find out why.

O que você deve levar em conta na hora de TROCAR SEU CELULAR? Fique esperto!
See how to know if it's time to change your cell phone (Credits: Reproduction).

Changes in consumption

Only 8 million people bought their first smartphone in 2022, and only 1.7 million upgraded to a more advanced device. This number reflects major changes in the country's mobile device market.

The study also found that 2.5 million devices were purchased as a second device for the same consumer and 4 million devices were purchased to replace a phone. lost or stolen.

Brazilians don't want to change their smartphones?

One of the main factors contributing to this shift is the currency lag due to expensive and tight credit. High interest rates and rising defaults are making it difficult for many consumers to buy new smartphones. According to experts, the average lifespan of a cell phone is actually up to five years.


That said, technical issues, outdated configurations, and a lack of guaranteed operating system updates are among the reasons you should consider when deciding whether it’s time to replace your smartphone. But when is the best time to do so? Here are some tips to help you find the answer.

Signs that replacement may be necessary

  • Insufficient disk space even with cleanup.
  • The battery doesn't last long.
  • Operating systems are reaching the limit of their ability to receive security updates.
  • The device generates considerable heat during use.
  • Apps take a long time to open.
  • The system freezes enough.
  • The camera no longer meets your needs (poor quality)

One example of technological advancement that we are experiencing and that is causing many consumers to change their smartphones is the introduction of 5G. Only the latest devices are compatible with 5th generation Internet.

According to Ângelo Zanini, coordinator of computer courses at the Mahua Institute of Technology (IMT), with the transition from 4G to 5G, anyone who has a 4G-only phone will want to keep up with the advances and upgrade to a more modern phone with a more modern operating system.

For the coordinator, the useful life of a device depends more on its functionality than on the durability of the equipment.

Should I buy a new one or pay for the repair?

According to experts, a smartphone repair It is only worth it if it costs up to 50% of the price of a new device of the same standard. However, if you pay more than that it is better to buy a new one.

You should consider whether the device is in good condition and has an average lifespan of 2 to 3 years. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the main circuits of a cell phone – the motherboard and the screen, which may not be very useful to replace, especially in older or less popular models, says CEO Felipe Marchese, of Conserta Smart, a franchise specialized in smartphone repairs.

According to Marchese, about 70% of the repairs needed on current devices are still worth it. In other words, seek out a repair shop before spending money on a new phone.

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