What do you need to do to get a license at Poupatempo?






Some citizens of São Paulo want to know what need to do the licensing in Save time.

Therefore, we decided to look for information on the subject. First of all, we need to point out that there is no way to schedule your appointment online or by phone.

In this sense, you must arrive early at Poupatempo and get a service number.


Furthermore, tickets are issued on a first-come, first-served basis and in limited quantities. Therefore, plan to solve everything in a single day, okay?

Now that we've given you this tip, see below everything you need to do licensing at Poupatempo.

Follow the article and have an excellent reading, come with us!


Find out now what you need to do to get licensed at Poupatempo

First of all, you should know that carrying your vehicle registration document is mandatory. In other words, it is essential to carry the CRLV (Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate) whenever you are driving or piloting a vehicle.

However, if the traffic cop stops you but manages to access the digital document, you will be exempt from a fine. However, what if the internet or access does not work?

In this sense, we always recommend our readers to keep their taxes and licenses up to date. Finally, see below everything you will need to obtain your CRLV in the state of São Paulo.

Licenciamento poupatempo de São Paulo

Essential documents for the procedure

Firstly, know that both the owner of the vehicle, or someone close to that person, can carry out the procedure in Poupatempo.

However, you will need to bring specific documents in each case. See below which documents these are and save this post so you don't lose this information:

Vehicle owner

  • It is essential to carry a photo ID. In this sense, it can be your Work Card, driver's license, identity card, passport, among other options;
  • Also, don't forget to bring the original receipts (and copies) of all taxes related to your car. This way, fines and other outstanding debts will also need to be paid before you can carry out the procedure;
  • As well, it is necessary to take the CSV, Vehicle Safety Certificate, both the original and a copy, to Poupatempo;
  • Also, if you drive a cargo vehicle, don't forget to bring the original and a copy of the RNTRC (National Register of Road Cargo Transporters).

Close relative of the vehicle owner

From the same point of view, if you are short on time, you can ask someone to do the procedure on your behalf.

Therefore, it is common for a partner, spouse or close relative to go to the service to obtain a CRLV for a family member. In this sense, see which documents this person should bring:

  • An original photo ID of the vehicle owner. We recommend that the person bring the original and also a copy;
  • As well as proof of payment of all vehicle taxes;
  • The same Vehicle Safety Certificate that we mentioned above;
  • In addition, this person will need to bring a document proving their relationship with the vehicle owner. This could be an ID card, in the case of filiation, or even a certificate of stable union, marriage or any other proof;
  • Finally, don't forget that the person who goes on your behalf must also bring proof of identity.

However, what if you want to obtain the CRLV in the name of an owner who has already passed away? To do this, you only need to bring an original and a copy of the inventory or death certificate of the vehicle owner. This is quite common in cases of inheritance, for example.

How much does this service cost?

Currently, you can get your license in the state of São Paulo for around 100 reais. In this sense, used vehicles have a rate of 98.91 reais.

However, 0 km vehicles have a higher rate, which comes out to 131.80 reais. We would like to point out that there was an increase for new vehicles of approximately 40%.

The people of São Paulo expect there to be no increase in 2022, mainly because of the high unemployment rate and the pandemic. What do you think?

Can any vehicle have its license removed at this location?

Yes, any type of vehicle can obtain its license in São Paulo, however, it is necessary to meet certain requirements such as not having any type of legal problem and being up to date with taxes.

In addition, the vehicle must be registered in cities in São Paulo, obviously. If you have any questions, you can contact Poupatempo using the following numbers:

  • If you live in the capital or greater São Paulo, dial: (11) 4135 9700;
  • People who live in other areas of the state should call: 0300 847 1998.

This way, you can answer any questions you still have about the topic, right?

What is this year's Licensing calendar like in the State of São Paulo?

Due to the pandemic and the country's economic crisis, the document requirement will be extended for a longer period of time.

This way, you will have time to pay off your debts and get everything up to date, if you have not yet paid for your document in 2021.

Check out the 2021 licensing calendar in the state of São Paulo below:


  • End of plates 1 and 2: September;
  • End of plates 3, 4 and 5: October;
  • Plate ending 6, 7 and 8: November;
  • Plate ending 9 and 0: December.

Common passenger vehicles, buses, trailers and semi-trailers

  • Plate 1 end: April;
  • End of plate 2: May;
  • End of plate 3: June;
  • Plate 4 End: July;
  • End of plate 5 and 6: August;
  • End of plate 7: September;
  • End of plate 8: October;
  • End of plate 9: November;
  • Plate ending 0: December.

When will I have my new license in hand?

Normally, the document issuance time is 4 hours. In other words, it is very quick and can be collected on the same day of service.

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