Anatel promoted important discussions about signal in Brazilian cities. Understand better.
Even though internet access is becoming increasingly popular, there are still places in Brazil that do not have access to this connection. Cities located in rural or inland areas are the most affected by this problem. This situation is bad not only for users, but also for local businesses and companies, since the internet is used for most work nowadays. The network is essential for issuing invoices, using card machines and making payments via Pix, for example. Therefore, the lack of it can have an impact on the economic health of the affected areas.
However, this is being discussed by the country's government. Anatel, the agency responsible for issues related to networks and signals related to telephony, is committed to improving the situation for residents of areas without internet. In addition, places with low-function networks should also receive help. Keep reading and see what will be done.

Complaints monitoring
On Wednesday, Anatel customs inspector Gustavo Borges said the agency is expected to announce an improvement plan for municipalities with mobile signal problems in the coming weeks.
Anatel was invited to speak at a hearing held by the Chamber of Deputies' Communications and Consumer Protection Committee, in response to criticism from members of parliament about the service failure and calls for the suspension of business. As the supervisor explains, the criteria for identifying the municipalities determined in the action will be analyzed by the agency.
According to Borges, Anatel monitors user complaints through satisfaction and cognitive quality surveys (ongoing) and competency measurements. He also revealed that the agency reduced the number of complaints by 23% and that technical measures were published on Anatel's website.
Satisfaction survey
Using data from future events, Borges explained, it will be possible to create quality of service certifications for telecommunications operators as a way of “translating” complex issues for users. Users do not need to analyze technical aspects such as instability or latency, according to him. In this case, these questions will be converted into seals to make it easier for customers to understand the performance of service providers in their municipality.
According to the superintendent, the seals should be delivered next year. According to a 2010 study, in order to solve the lack of mobile signal affecting 9,000 areas in the country, 5G advertisements provide promises of coverage for these areas. Borges recalled that all appointments, exam status and other data on cell phone coverage can be consulted on the Anatel portal.
5G signal
In addition, Anatel launched the 5G signal in more than 187 municipalities in Brazil. Finally, even though the authorities said that this was impossible, since the funds from the Universalization Fund for Communications Services (Fust) were withheld by several Brazilian governments.
More recently, the State Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) determined the terms of use for granting loans. Following this, additional improvements are expected to be announced this week.