What has changed in the BOLSA FAMÍLIA app?






Hello, friends! I hope you are all well. Today I bring you important information about Family Allowance, especially regarding the closing of the June payroll and the update of the applications.

Photo: TV Brasil

Why are you unable to access your Bolsa Família application?

Many beneficiaries have reported difficulties accessing the applications Has Box and Bolsa Família in the last few days. If you tried to access it and found a white screen, error message or even your CPF showing as non-existent, don't worry! Don't worry, because I'll explain what's happening.

Closing of the Bolsa Família payroll

As is the case every month, the Bolsa Família payroll is being processed. This month, the deadline is between Saturday (01/06) and Monday (03/06). During this period, the applications may be unstable or inaccessible due to the necessary updates to ensure that everyone receives the benefits correctly.


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Bolsa Família application update

As mentioned, the Caixa Tem and Bolsa Família apps are undergoing an update. This update is essential so that, starting Tuesday (04/06), the apps can once again display the updated status of the benefits. So, if you are unable to access them now, don't worry, as everything should return to normal soon.

Messages received from beneficiaries

We have received several messages from concerned beneficiaries, such as these:

  1. “I can't access my Caixa Tem, a message appears in English saying that the application is disabled.”
  2. “My Bolsa Família app says my CPF doesn’t exist, have I been blocked?”
  3. “The screen goes white and won't load, what's going on?”

These messages are common during the update period. Also, it is important to remember that these issues are temporary and should be resolved by Tuesday.

Calm your heart

However, it is natural to feel anxious when access to the benefit is interrupted. As previously stated, this interruption is temporary and is part of the payroll update process. Access will certainly be reestablished once processing is complete.

When will the situation return to normal?

Therefore, according to the operational calendar, the updated statement message will be displayed in the applications from 06/04. This means that, from Tuesday, you will be able to check normally if your benefit has been released.

Finally, if you tried to access the Caixa Tem or Bolsa Família app and encountered difficulties, know that everything is as expected. By Tuesday, all systems will be back to normal and you will be able to check your benefit without any problems.

Share this information with friends and family who are also Bolsa Família beneficiaries. This way, you can help to reassure everyone who is going through this situation. A big hug and see you next time!

The Evolution of Bolsa Família: From Creation to Modernization

The Bolsa Família Program emerged during the first government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, of the Workers' Party (PT), in 2003. Its objective was to unify the conditional income transfer programs that existed in the country until then. Provisional Measure No. 132 gave rise to the program, which later gave rise to Law No. 10,386/2004.

At the time, the measure combined the following programs: Bolsa Escola, Bolsa Alimentação, Auxílio-gás and the National Food Access Program. This unification aimed to expand and simplify conditional income transfer in Brazil. To achieve this, it was necessary to restructure the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico), responsible for collecting data on families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty.

Initially, the Law established that families receiving PBF benefits should have an income of up to one hundred reais per capita, with the highest benefit granted being R$50.00. These amounts have changed over the years, following inflation rates. Currently (in 2020), families receiving between R$89.01 and R$178.00 per person are considered poor, and families receiving up to R$89.00 per person are considered extremely poor. The benefit amounts also vary according to the number of children in the family.

In addition to income transfer, the Bolsa Família Program provided access to health and education services to beneficiaries.

This articulation between areas of social assistance, health and education was fundamental to improving the quality of life of families.

The focus of Bolsa Família on children and young people is evident in the requirement that all school-age children be enrolled in school and attend 85% of the school year's workload. This approach aims to combat poverty from childhood and ensure opportunities for development.

Computerization and Modernization:

  • Over the years, Bolsa Família has undergone developments and updates. The computerization of the system was an important milestone, allowing for greater agility in the processing of benefits and data management.
  • The modernization also included improvements in the program's oversight, monitoring and transparency, ensuring that resources effectively reach the families most in need.

In conclusion, Bolsa Família, from its inception to the present day, has played a crucial role in reducing poverty and promoting social inclusion in Brazil. The continuous search for improvements and adaptation to the needs of the population are essential for the success of this program.

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