Can iPhone 15 be CHARGED with Android charger?






Apple has cleared up users' doubts! Find out whether or not your Android charger can be used on your iPhone.

The iPhone 15 was released last month by Apple and features a few changes. One of the most noticeable is the USB-C charging port. Previously, the standard used by the manufacturer was Lightning, a patented input that had been present in the brand's phones since the iPhone 5, launched in 2012.

With the change in connection, which is already a familiar feature of Android phones, an important question remained: can you use an Android phone charger on the iPhone 15? Apple has answered this question for users after so many questions.


Before the official announcement of the new line of cell phones, some rumors circulated, stating that the company would limit the use of chargers that were not original from the company in the new models. However, after the launch of the new generation of iPhones, the rumor was denied.

Find out below if you can use your Android charger to charge your iPhone 15 without any problems.

Como o iPhone 15 está dando TANTO PROBLEMA mesmo sendo um LANÇAMENTO?

Can Android charger be used on new iPhone?

According to Apple itself, the answer is yes. The company denied the rumor that this could not happen after the launch of the phone, leaving many users relieved. At the end of September, after the start of sales of the new models in the United States, the rumor that Apple restricting the use of cables has gained traction again, particularly on some Chinese sites.


According to information from the Apple Insider portal, the rumor began circulating on the internet after a third-party retailer advised consumers not to use Android cables with the iPhone. According to the store, there was a difference in the specifications of the cables, which could cause damage to the phone.

However, according to information on Apple's own website, users can use cables from other manufacturers to charge their new phones without causing any problems to the device. However, the accessories must be compatible with the USB-C standard. In addition, according to the company, it is also possible to charge the smartphone with the MaxBook adapter for faster charging. Another alternative is to charge the phone by connecting it to the computer, which also does not cause damage to the device.

Pattern change

Apple has adopted the universal USB-C input in its new cell phone models because of a requirement of the European Union, which made the use of the connection mandatory on electronic devices in countries that are part of the bloc until 2024. Therefore, according to the Android Authority portal, when the rumor about the restriction came to light, the Union itself warned the company about the idea.

Therefore, it is not possible to know, in fact, whether the company considered limiting the use of cables, which would be a way to make more money from their sale. Despite this, this was not the company's final decision, as users can use cables from other cell phones to charge the new line of iPhones without worry.

USB-C Cable

The iPhone is not the first Apple device to adopt the USB-C standard. It has been using the port on the MacBook since 2015. All the latest iPad models also feature the connector instead of Lightning.

The Lightning connector does not have a fast transfer system. Apple limits the cable to the USB 2 standard, with speeds of up to 480 Mb/s. The brand's devices with the USB-C port go further, such as the iPad Pro, with USB 4 at up to 40 Gb/s.

THE iPhone 15 Pro It is compatible with the USB 3 standard, which reaches rates of up to 10 Gb/s. The iPhone 15 Plus follows the same USB 2 standard, up to 480 Mb/s.

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