Learn what to do to keep your cell phone from getting in the way of your studies. It can be an ally, but it can also be a villain!
Nowadays, cell phones are a tool present in almost every aspect of our lives. This is no different when it comes to work and studies. Many students are preparing for the Enem (National High School Exam), and technology can be a powerful ally in this process. However, it can also be a villain in the study routine.
On the one hand, the smartphone is a window to a vast world of knowledge with instant access to information, resources and materials in a quick and easy way. In addition, the cell phone allows for various forms of organization through apps, calendars and reminders, helping with studies and managing schedules.
On the other hand, your device can also be a distraction. Social media, games, and constant notifications can interrupt your focus and hinder your productivity. As a result, multitasking on your phone can lead to superficial learning and wasted time.
Therefore, it is essential to pay close attention to the responsible use of this tool. Learn some tips to stay focused while studying, without letting your cell phone get in the way.
How to keep your cell phone out of the way
During classes and study times, it is important to keep your cell phone on silent or activate the “do not disturb” mode to avoid unnecessary interruptions. It is also important to leave your cell phone in a discreet place and out of sight, such as inside your bag, to reduce the constant urge to check it. notifications.
At home, it’s essential to create a distraction-free environment where your phone is turned off or in another location unless it’s specifically needed for research or learning. Using productivity apps that temporarily block access to educational apps during study sessions can help stay focused.
It is also important to remember that the excessive cell phone use before bed can harm the quality of sleep, negatively affecting the ability to concentrate and retain information the following day.
Advantages of using cell phones in education
The National Common Curricular Base encourages the use of technology in the production of knowledge, in problem-solving and in faster communication between students and teachers, making it important to teach students how to use technology wisely.
The good use of technological resources can enhance students' motivation, placing them in a leading role in the search for information and knowledge on their own.
Cell phones are capable of going beyond the classroom and into students' daily lives through different types of content, such as podcasts, videos, graphics, interactive materials, maps, discussion groups and much more.
The 2023 National High School Exam will be held on November 5th and 12th throughout the country. The results will be released on January 16th, 2024. This edition marks the 25th anniversary of the exams since their first application in 1998.
Public and private educational institutions use the exam to select students and the results are used as the sole or complementary criterion for selection processes, in addition to serving as parameters for access to government aid, such as Fies.
The test results can also be used in the selection processes of institutions in Portugal that have agreements with Inep to accept the exam scores.