Leaving your device in certain places can be harmful to your health, causing a number of problems. Find out which ones!

Cell phones are essential in our daily lives and help us with many different activities. Because of this, we end up using them in many different places and are always connected with the device in our hands. The problem is that we forget that this constant use can cause many health problems, since we also end up leaving it in many places that may be dirty or contaminated.

Therefore, it is important to set limits on cell phone use and ensure greater protection for ourselves and our family members, as well as to increase the lifespan of our cell phones, which can be damaged when left exposed in certain places. Find out now which places are considered inappropriate and unsafe to use or leave your cell phone, according to doctors.


On the lap

Using your cell phone on your lap while sitting can be very harmful to your health, as your head is tilted downwards and this can put strain on your cervical spine. This practice can cause pain and repetitive strain injuries, leading to muscle tension, stiffness and even herniated discs.

In the bra

Leaving your cell phone inside your bra, which is a common practice among many women, can cause burns, bacterial growth and even chafing on your breasts. Some studies suggest that this habit may also be linked to the development of breast cancer in young women, but there are no definitive conclusions about this link.

In the pocket

Many people carry their cell phones in their trouser pockets, but there is a risk of injury if the person falls and the cell phone breaks. There may also be limited movement, local pain and even infertility due to exposure to radiation and increased heat in the area if it remains close to the testicles for a prolonged period of time.


Near the bed

To leave the cell phone next to the bed can unbalance the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. This is due to the various notifications, calls and vibrations from the device, in addition to the blue light emitted by them, which can hinder the body's relaxation, causing tiredness and eye irritation.

Under the pillow

Leaving your smartphone under your pillow can also be very harmful, as the device can overheat and cause shocks or fire, especially if it is plugged in. to the charger and if it is raining at the moment.

In the bathroom

It is already a very common habit to use your cell phone on the toilet. However, this can cause hemorrhoids, since spending several minutes in the same position can cause the veins in the area to become swollen and inflamed, causing pain and bleeding. In addition, the device can become contaminated by germs and bacteria present in feces, both due to handling the device and when flushing the toilet.

In the sink

Using your cell phone and leaving it on the kitchen sink can be even worse than using it in the bathroom, as it is a place full of fungi and bacteria that can cause illness and food poisoning. It is important to clean your cell phone frequently and keep it well away from the sink, especially when you are preparing food.

At the table

In addition to making it difficult to concentrate on the food being served, using your cell phone at the table can also spread germs and bacteria to the area, which should be cleaned before meals. Using your cell phone while eating can interfere with chewing and swallowing, since you are not paying attention to what you are doing, but rather to what you are seeing on your cell phone.

With babies

Letting babies use cell phones as toys can harm their development, as well as harm their eyes, sleep, joints and general health, as dirt can cause illness, especially when the device is put in the mouth.

Source: VivaBem UOL

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