Find out now what the number is to request a loan from Tim, and see everything about the conditions of this loan. Check out our article!
First of all, if you are not used to this type of service, it is like an advance recharge. In other words, you get additional credit for a certain period of time on your cell phone.
However, the additional amount will be charged on the next Tim recharge you make. In addition, there is an addition of 40% on the amount, which is the fee for operator.
So, do you want to better understand how it works, who can apply, what the conditions are and much more? Then, stay with us and you will learn everything about TIM loans. Enjoy your reading.
Get a loan from Tim Credit
There are several ways available to TIM customers to apply for a credit loan.
First of all, we will see what the number is to request a loan from Tim. In fact, there is not one number, but 3 numbers.
Just send an SMS to one of them. As for the other two, you should follow the instructions you receive during the service.
Now let's see what the three phones are, and how to use each of them below.

TIM Telephone
First, let's learn which numbers you can use to make phone calls. They are as follows:
- Talk to: “#222”;
- Or, with: “*144#”.
In both cases, listen carefully to all the instructions you receive, okay? Then, choose the “Special Credit” option.
This way, you will receive the loan from the credit TIM. Quite simple, isn't it?
In addition to the telephone, you can also send a simple message from your cell phone to the number 677. In this message, just write: “creditoespecial”.
Just as it is above between the quotation marks, understood? Without accents, all together and lowercase. That's it! When you send this SMS you will be able to receive your credit loan.
Now that we have seen what numbers to ask for borrowed credit from TIM, we note that there are other options. Let's also look at other ways to apply for this loan. Check it out!
In addition to your phone, you can do everything on your computer by accessing the “Meu TIM” website. Just follow the steps below and you will be able to apply for the loan:
- First, go to:;
- Once you enter the page, log in with your number and password;
- Right next to your current balance, you will have the option to request this loan. Just click on “special credit” and wait.
My Team App
Finally, you can do the same operation using the “Meu TIM” app. The steps are essentially the same as those for accessing the website.
That is, log in and select the “special credit” option. Just like the previous methods, it is very simple.
In addition, there are several advantages to choosing to download the Meu TIM app. After all, through it, the customer can also:
- First, check your situation with the operator;
- As well as, update your registration;
- Finally, easily top up your credits whenever you need to.
The Meu TIM app is available for both iOS and Android. So, take advantage of this or other methods to request your special credit with TIM.
Who can borrow credit from Tim?
Now that we have seen the number to request a loan from Tim, several questions arise. First: once I have the contact information, is it possible to request the loan?
The answer to the question above is: not always. As we will see now, there are some requirements necessary to obtain the loan.
Unfortunately, not all TIM customers are able to receive special credit. After all, the operator sets certain criteria for granting it. Below, we'll look at the main ones:
- First of all, you cannot apply for credit if you still have debts with TIM. In other words, only apply for a new loan after paying off the last one;
- Furthermore, the available balance must justify the need for the request. Only customers with a balance of R$1.50 or less can obtain the credit;
- Finally, only customers who recharge frequently are eligible to sign up. Since activating the chip, it is necessary to have recharged at least 3 times.
So, these are the essential criteria. If you meet all of them, you can apply for a loan with TIM. So, check out the conditions below.
Loan terms and rates
According to TIM's criteria, they will create a profile for the customer who requests special credit. According to this analysis, the amount that can be obtained will vary.
You will only have access to the loan for seven days. However, you don't need to worry about spending it all in one week. If you don't use it, the amount will be included in your next top-up.
As long as the special credit is valid, the customer can use it for any of the operator's services, including calls, messages, internet access, and various services.
Finally, you will have the peace of mind of requesting this service as many times as you want. Whenever you have paid off the previous loan, you can request it again.
So, if you are interested, use the number to request a loan from Tim, as we saw here. Then, take advantage of your special credit for all the services you want.