Does Mercado Livre deliver at night?






If you want to know if Mercado Livre delivers at night, don't miss our full article on the subject below. So, follow today's exclusive post and have a great read!

Is it true that Mercado Livre makes deliveries at night?

First of all, know that the question of whether the Free Market makes deliveries at night has the answer neither yes nor no. Therefore, we can say that it depends.

After all, according to the e-commerce itself, its standard delivery time is until 10 pm. However, its deliveries are normally made during business hours. That is (on weekdays) from 8 am to 6 pm.


However, as we all know, many times the residents of a house are working at this time. Therefore, in case of delays by the delivery person or absence of the buyer, deliveries can be extended until 10 pm.

However, it is worth noting that there have been some complaints about deliveries being made late at night, that is, after 10 pm.

However, Mercado Livre itself states that this is not common. Thus, the platform states in clarifications and responses to consumers that these late deliveries are exceptions and not rules in e-commerce.


Learn more about the history of this e-commerce 

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As you already know more about the delivery times Mercado Livre nightlife, read now a little more about the history of this platform.

In this sense, know that the largest marketplace in Latin America emerged in the 90s; more precisely in 1999, in Argentina.

However, its growth did not take long and the company currently operates in 18 countries.

To give you an idea of its size, there are currently over 60 million offers of the most diverse types of products on the platform. These offers range from clothing, pet food, home decor items, and even cars and services.

Platform reputation 

In Brazil, we can check Mercado Livre's reputation on one of the biggest consumer protection websites, Reclame Aqui.

Therefore, the marketplace currently has a rating of 6.9 on the platform and is regular. It also has a consumer rating of over 5.4 and more than 95% of the complaints have been answered. (Survey conducted on August 2, 2022. Data subject to change). 

Clear up disputes over Mercado Livre deliveries 

Enjoy today's article and see common questions about deliveries and also more features of Mercado Livre. Keep reading!

Is it true that there are deliveries made on the same day of purchase?

Yes. Currently, Mercado Livre has a delivery method called Mercado Full. In this sense, these are advertisements for products and/or services delivered to customers on the same day of purchase.

Therefore, to find out if something can be delivered that same day, the consumer simply needs to check next to the advertisement there is the Full Market seal before making your purchase on the platform.

Are Mercado Livre and Mercado Pago the same thing?

No. In fact, Mercado Pago is a shopping tool exclusive to Mercado Livre.

In this way, this platform brings together products, buyers and sellers within the marketplace.

However, it is now possible to use Mercado Pago even for purchases from other companies. In other words, it has become a kind of fintech. 

Where is Mercado Livre's headquarters in Brazil?

Nowadays, Mercado Livre's headquarters in Brazil are in the city of Osasco, in the greater São Paulo area. Therefore, it is no longer in Alphaville, also in São Paulo.

The headquarters of the original Mercado Livre, that is, the first branch of this company, is in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

After all, as you can read above, it was in the Argentine capital that Mercado Livre emerged in 1999.

Another very common curiosity about the company is the name of its owners. Therefore, you should know that the entrepreneurs who own the platform are the following leaders:

  • Stelleo Tolda;
  • Marcos Galperin;
  • Hernan J. Kazah.


Today you saw if Mercado Livre makes deliveries at night and learned a little more about this marketplace.

Do you like reading articles about big companies, e-commerces and also about financial systems? Then read another post about the platform on our portal.

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