The application has announced a new feature, which is already available to some users.
Even years after its launch, WhatsApp is still going strong. The instant messaging app is one of the most widely used in the world and is recognized for its practicality and diverse functions, which range from sending text messages, photos, videos, audios, making calls and even payments within the platform itself.
Because it has many users and is widely used for different purposes, Meta, the app's owner, has invested more and more in the messenger's tools, seeking to improve its use and the experience of users, who, due to their busy lives, need ease.
As a result, WhatsApp has been undergoing several tests and releasing new features for users. The company recently announced the launch of a new feature, which already exists on Telegram, and allows for easier sending of videos.
Find out all the details about this new feature now!
New feature
THE WhatsApp application announced the launch of an instant messaging feature through videos, similar to a feature already existing in the Telegram app, the messenger's main competitor. To send the video, simply click on the audio sending button and the microphone icon will be replaced by a camera icon. Then, simply hold the key and record the video.
The instant video messaging feature will display the video in the conversation in a circle format, unlike a video sent in a normal way, which already exists on the platform. With the new feature, users will be able to record videos of up to one minute.
The launch of the new feature will be gradual, but it can already be used by some users who have the application updated. Users of Android devices can update the app through the Play Store, while iPhone users can update it through the Apple Store.
You can also record instant videos by swiping the camera icon upwards, without having to hold down the record button.
WhatsApp automatically plays the video without sound. To access the audio, the user will need to click on the message.
The new app feature already exists on Telegram since December 2018.
Other news
In recent months, the app has also announced other new features, which are already available to some users and should soon be available to everyone. These new features also aim to make the platform easier to use and ensure a better experience, in addition to ensuring greater privacy and security for the app's more than 2 billion users worldwide.
Among the main new features are sending photos and videos in high resolution, silencing unknown calls and the Channels function.
When sending high-resolution videos and photos, the app allows content to be sent in high resolution, since often, when sending photos or videos, the quality is low. The function is already available for beta users. When sending the image or video, the HD option will be available, allowing the user to send the image or video in high resolution, without losing quality. The expectation is that the function will be available to all users soon, if everything goes well in the tests.
The unknown caller silencing feature allows users to silence calls from people they don't know, with the aim of preventing fraud, spam and contact from unwanted people, ensuring greater protection and privacy for the user. The function is also undergoing testing and should reach the general public soon.
The Channels feature allows users and businesses to send messages to a limited number of users. This feature also already exists on Telegram, and is different from the Communities feature. The feature is available in some countries, but there is no release date for it in Brazil yet.