A black spot appeared on the screen from the cell phone and you don't know what to do? Stay calm, because we will help you!
Nowadays, the vast majority of Brazilians have smartphones, after all, they are more modern cell phones. They have also practically become pocket computers.
However, they are very sensitive devices and can be damaged if dropped or even after getting wet.
In this sense, in several cases, after a cell phone When it gets wet, it leaves a black stain on the screen and many people are distressed by this situation! Do you know how to solve this problem?
To understand how to resolve this situation, check out the full article below and enjoy reading!
What to do if a black spot appears on your cell phone screen?
First of all, know that the black stain on the cell phone screen appears most of the time after the smartphone comes into contact with water.
Therefore, it is very important to dry the device and not to despair. After all, with the tips we will give below, it is possible to dry your device well and avoid possible damage to the device. See and take note of our suggestions:
Remove the battery, case and even the film
In advance, we recommend that you remove the battery (if your cell phone allows this action) we also recommend that you remove the case and even the screen protector from the device.
This way, the device will be able to “breathe” better and dry more completely. From the same point of view, to help dry the device, another interesting thing is to use rice.

Home tip: rice
In this sense, we recommend that you place your device inside a jar of uncooked rice and leave it there for about 24 hours. Don't forget to cover this jar and leave it in a place away from humidity.
This way, your smartphone will be able to dry out and all the moisture in it will be “sucked” by the rice grains.
Try drying your device
Another option is to use a hair dryer. To do this, use the hot air on your phone screen. We would like to point out that this is ideal for helping to dry your smartphone.
Is it true that the sun doesn't solve anything?
Finally, we need to inform you that there is no point in leaving your cell phone in the sun, this is a myth and does not really solve the humidity situation on the device.
However, if you want to leave the cell phone in the sun it is interesting to leave it inside the rice pot and this pot in the sun. This way it will be more effective in eliminating the humidity in your cell phone.
And if none of this works, what should I do?
If none of the options mentioned above solve your problem of black spots on your cell phone screen, It is a good idea to look for authorized technical assistance.
This way, professionals will check what really happened to your device. In this sense, many smartphones require screen replacements to return to normal operation.
In short, the ideal is to follow the tips we gave you above, but if nothing works, then you should look for a specialized service, okay?
Tips for taking proper care of your cell phone
As we mentioned earlier, the vast majority of Brazilians have smartphones. Therefore, knowing how to properly care for your cell phone has become essential to avoid problems and losses.
In this sense, see below 4 simple tips on how to take care of your device:
Film and case are essential
Firstly, to prevent your cell phone from breaking easily, always keep your device with a cover and new films.
Be careful when going to places, clubs and the beach
From the same point of view, be extra careful when you are walking around with your smartphone in places with water, such as beaches and swimming pools.
Protective bags are great allies
Speaking of beaches and water, don't forget to buy a protective case for your cell phone. This item is relatively inexpensive and will prevent your cell phone from getting wet and damaged if it falls into the water.
Get insurance for your device
Finally, invest in insurance for your cell phone. Nowadays, banks allow their customers to take out this insurance in a very affordable way and with very low monthly installments. So, go to your bank app and access this option right now. Protect yourself and good luck.
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