Another SCAM on your cell phone: learn how to PROTECT yourself






Learn about another financial scam that is carried out through 0800 numbers. Find out how it happens and see how to protect yourself!

Cell phone scams are becoming increasingly common, claiming countless victims every day. Now, criminals are carrying out a new scam, the 0800 scam, which involves the user receiving a message warning them about a suspicious high-value transaction in their name, asking them to contact a call center.

Initial contact is usually made via SMS or messaging apps, where they use the name of a financial institution. The text sent includes a toll-free number, which is supposedly a call center. This technique aims to convey greater credibility.


When the user gets in touch, the criminals ask for personal data and from there, they put their plan to steal the victims' data into practice.

Have you received this type of message recently? Learn more about this scam and protect yourself!


0800 scam

The criminals are back apply blows through the fake call center, where they send a message to the user, warning them of a purchase in their name with a high value. In the message, they ask the person to call a 0800 number to find out more details.


After being frightened by the message about a large purchase without their authorization, victims end up contacting the company to find out more about the matter. From there, the criminals start to persuade the victims, asking for their personal information, to supposedly resolve the situation and cancel the fake purchase.

They usually send messages via SMS or messaging apps and use the names of financial institutions. By acting in this way and offering a toll-free number for contact, criminals end up looking more credible, making many victims.


The message structure is usually as follows: “Purchase approved at such and such location (known store), for the amount of so many reais. To confirm, press the number 1. If you do not recognize this purchase, contact our call center at 0800…”.

During the call, the scammers say that the transaction is being analyzed and that, because of this, the purchase does not appear on the customer's invoice. They then request the person's confidential information, such as card numbers and passwords, and even induce the person to carry out financial transactions to regularize the situation in question.

How to protect yourself from this type of scam

Financial institutions may call customers to confirm a high-value purchase, but they never ask for data such as passwords, card numbers, tokens or other personal information over the phone. There is also no need to make any type of transaction such as transfers, Pix or any type of payment to resolve problems with customers' accounts.

Therefore, customers should never call 0800 numbers received via SMS or other means. Banks do not charge back transactions via phone calls. If the call center asks for data such as passwords or private information, the user should hang up the call. receive calls suspicions, the person should call their bank's official channels to find out more information.

Currently, around 70% of attempted scams are not related to breaches in the banking system, but occur when victims are convinced to give their information and make transfers by the scammers themselves. Therefore, it is ideal to be aware of suspicious behaviors.  

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