Check out the Brazilian cities that will receive 5G signal. The internet will become faster, find out if you will benefit.
Starting this Monday (23), 27 new municipalities in Minas Gerais will be able to implement 5G technology. Last Wednesday (18) the monitoring group announced the implementation of a solution to the interference problem in the 3625-3700 MHz frequency band (Gaispi).
As a result, Internet operators operating in these regions can now apply to activate ultra-fast technologies based on their business interests. A total of 432 Brazilian cities have been approved in this phase. Check out which ones they are below.

5G implementation
In Minas Gerais, the new cities where 5G will be launched are distributed in the Central (10), Zona da Mata (4), Central-West (3), North (3), South (2) and Alto Paranaiva (2) regions. In addition, there are Jequitinhonha (1), Rio Doce (1) and Triângulo Mineiro (1).
The new announcement makes 5G base stations available in 2,456 Brazilian municipalities that use the 3.5 GHz band, representing approximately 156 million Brazilians, or 73% of the country’s population. It is important to note that the group’s launch does not mean that the 5G network will be installed immediately. The initial deployment of 5G base stations in these cities will depend on the individual plans of each service provider.
Satellite dish replacement
The positive news also brings a warning to users of existing satellite dishes who live in these municipalities. The idea is to upgrade their equipment to a digital model. Older satellite dishes need to be replaced because they use the C band, the same as the 5G network will occupy, to transmit the programming. With this, the old antenna will no longer work and the channels will be transferred to the Ku Band, which will be used in the new digital satellite dishes. Even before the signal drops, once 5G is active in an area, device users may experience interruptions such as noise, rain and even loss of access to some channels.
According to forecasts, in the 27 new municipalities where 5G will be introduced, more than 20 thousand households should receive the free package. The switch has happened and Minas has around 210 villages served by Siga Antenado, a non-profit organization that supports residents in migrating TV signals used in traditional satellite dishes (C band) to digital satellite dishes (Group Ku).
Leandro Guerra, president of Siga Antenado, explained that the new machine offers many advantages over the older model. “The most important benefits of the new technology are new channels, local programming and better image and sound quality. However, it is important to remember that traditional satellite dishes will soon cease to function. Therefore, the sooner consumers make the switch, the sooner they will be able to reap the benefits of the new digital meals.
Free installation
In addition, low-income families registered with the federal government's CadÚnico who have installed and are working with an existing satellite dish can request the installation of a new digital antenna free of charge. Therefore, to check if you are eligible and if the project is open in your city, interested parties can access or call 0800 729 2404, from 8 am to 8 pm, Monday through Friday. On Saturdays, the service closes at 4 pm. In addition, you can use your CPF or NIS as identification.