New “Lula Law” Guarantees Free Internet for CPF List: Check Out the Details

  • President Lula has sanctioned a new law that promises to revolutionize internet access in Brazil, guaranteeing free connection for a specific list of CPFs.
  • With the advancement of digitalization in all areas of daily life, the internet has become an essential tool, whether for work, study or even for fun.
  • However, many people still face financial difficulties in maintaining a mobile data plan, being forced to choose between different operators such as Claro, Tim and Vivo. The new government measure is here to change this reality.
Internet grátis pode ser real segundo as novas regras editadas pelo governo federal. Entenda a notícia e como ela pode te impactar.
Free internet could be real according to new rules issued by the federal government. Understand the news and how it can impact you –

Impact of the Pandemic and the Creation of the Internet Brazil Program

  • The Covid-19 pandemic has brought countless challenges, especially for education. With the need for social isolation, in-person classes were replaced by remote learning, requiring constant access to the internet.
  • However, a significant portion of the student population found it difficult to adapt to the new teaching format, mainly due to a lack of financial resources to purchase a data plan.
  • In response to this situation, the government created the Internet Brasil program, which aims to guarantee free internet access for low-income students, promoting digital inclusion and ensuring that no one is left behind.

How does the Internet Brazil Program work?

  • The Internet Brasil program is aimed especially at students in the public school system who are registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico), a database that gathers information on low-income families.
  • Through this program, beneficiaries receive an operator chip that offers free internet access, without the need to pay monthly fees or sign up for additional plans.
  • The main objective is to ensure that all students can participate in online educational activities, regardless of their financial status.

Which CPFs are entitled to free internet?

  • The law establishes that free internet will be made available to CPFs that are part of the Single Registry, prioritizing families living in vulnerable situations.
  • In addition, the benefit is extended to students in public schools who depend on internet access to attend classes and complete schoolwork.
  • The measure is an important step towards reducing digital inequality in the country, allowing more people to have access to quality information and education.

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Benefits of the New Law for the Population

  • The new law brings numerous benefits, such as the democratization of access to the internet, ensuring that everyone can connect and enjoy the opportunities that the digital world offers.
  • Furthermore, by providing free internet to students, the government helps reduce school dropout rates and improve academic performance, as students will have the resources they need to participate in online activities.
  • The measure can also stimulate the development of new skills and knowledge, better preparing students for the job market.

What to Expect for the Future?

  • With the implementation of the Internet Brasil program, it is expected that more people will have access to quality internet, promoting digital inclusion and reducing social inequality in the country.
  • This initiative can serve as a model for other countries facing similar challenges, showing that it is possible to guarantee internet access for everyone, regardless of their economic situation.
  • In the long term, the expectation is that this measure will contribute to the construction of a more just and egalitarian society, where everyone has the same opportunities to learn, work and grow.
  • If you or someone you know can benefit from this new law, pay attention to the government's instructions and check if your CPF is on the list of beneficiaries.
  • Follow updates on the program and take advantage of this opportunity to guarantee access to free internet, an increasingly essential tool these days.
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