Most of those interviewed said they can't go very long without using their cell phones. Check out the numbers!
Cell phones have become an increasingly important part of our lives and their use has increased significantly in recent years. With technology and new tools and applications for devices, we have been spending more time connected, whether on social networks, watching, listening to music, chatting via messages and also looking for information through websites.
This constant use of cell phones has increased so much that many people are developing addictions and cannot even spend some time away from their devices. The issue is so serious that more than 20% of the participants in a survey reported that they could only bear to spend a maximum of one hour without using their cell phones.
Furthermore, many of these people reported that they prefer to stay connected to the device rather than interact with other people or even leave the house.
Are you also part of this group that won't let go of their cell phones for anything? Read the full article and check out the numbers revealed in this research!
It's no secret that cell phones are becoming an increasingly important part of our daily lives. They are so widely used today that a survey conducted by the Sinch platform with people from the Millennial and Z generations showed that almost 721% of participants couldn't imagine spending a weekend without using their device.
Of this number, 23% of people believe they cannot spend more than an hour away from the cell phone. The research also found that smartphones will continue to be the ideal means of communicating with friends, businesses and family for at least another 50 years.
The numbers also showed that respondents are more willing to give up the gym (41%), TV (25% for Millennials) and sex (22% for Generation Z) than their cell phones.
When asked about possible new developments that could complement the technologies By 2073, 38% of people responded that most communication will occur in virtual worlds and the metaverse. 28% of respondents expect that mobile implants that connect to the internet will allow for the sharing of thoughts, and 34% believe that we will continue to use text messaging.
Perspectives highlighted in the research
The survey also showed that most users prefer to communicate with businesses through messaging, much like they do with friends and family. This was followed by conversations via phone calls and email. Meanwhile, 36% reported that text messages are too impersonal, and 1 in 4 respondents get frustrated when they can’t respond to a business message.
Still regarding the numbers of those who could handle being without a cell phone, 42% of them responded that they would not be able to go more than 4 hours, 56% could only go a maximum of 24 hours and 8% said that they could only go a maximum of 15 minutes.
The study aims to show the importance of cell phones in people's lives and highlight the large number of people who prefer to give up daily activities and favorite things rather than go without using their devices.
Sinch Platform
Sinch powers meaningful conversations between customers and businesses through its Customer Communications Cloud, enabling 300 billion minutes of voice calls, more than 200 billion text messages and more than 400 billion emails per year between the two parties.