Learn how to teach seniors how to use the internet in the best way possible, in a free and functional way. It's very simple!
In an increasingly connected world, the ability to browse the internet, access content and use applications has become essential for the full exercise of citizenship. With this in mind, the Tec+ Digital Education online course seeks to meet this growing need, having been specially designed for the literate public over 60 years of age.
The general objective of the educational action is to train students in basic skills in using computer equipment, especially cell phones, so that they can use them in their lives as autonomously as possible, providing new social, economic and cultural opportunities.
Learn more about this course and see how to participate in it!
What the course will teach
At the end of the online training, students are expected to be able to:
– Understand the concept of digital etiquette and where to apply it;
– Understand what search tools and others are for and how they work;
– Know the main mobility applications and know how to create and manage accounts in each one;
– Know the main social networks, as well as knowing how to create accounts and manage them;
– Identify advertisements, announcements and possible social media scams;
– Know and access free public services;
– Know and access online banking services safely;
– Understand concepts of privacy and data protection;
– Understand what biometrics are and facial identification;
– Create digital signatures and more secure passwords.
To participate in the course, it is important to have a smartphone, computer or laptop with an internet connection to follow the video lessons. In some cases, it may be ideal to have the support of a person with more experience in the subject, to demonstrate how to navigate the environment, guide and check the progress of the course student.
The complete course is available in video class format on the Sepro channel, on YouTube and in the Sepro Educa virtual environment. In Sepro Educa, students can follow the course and take learning tests, with a certificate of participation. To do this, simply access the environment and watch the classes for the time you set and as many times as you want.
On the page, you will find course details, such as technical details and a complete content grid.
The Tec+ Digital Education course was designed for senior citizens, but anyone interested in learning more about the features of a cell phone will benefit from taking it. The initiative is part of Tec+, a set of actions aimed at digital inclusion for the 60+ public that integrates Sepro's Corporate Social Responsibility perspective.
National and International Day of Older Persons
On December 14, 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. In Brazil, Law 10.741/2003 established the Statute of the Elderly, a specific legislation designed to regulate the rights guaranteed to people aged 60 and over. In 2006, Law 11.433 chose October 1 as National Day of the Elderly.
The date serves to invite people to reflect on the challenges that the elderly face, such as access to health, education and digital inclusion, and to promote actions that aim to ensure their well-being and respect in all areas of life.