Government wants to ACT on the problem of CELL PHONE THEFT: NEW APPLICATION is coming






Find out what the government intends to do to help mitigate cell phone thefts in Brazil. Learn about the project that brings together Anatel, Febraban and MJSP.

The federal government wants to implement a platform that allows people to register stolen or misappropriated cell phones and immediately block the devices. By doing so, access to banking applications and personal data is denied.

According to information from the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, the service could be launched by the end of October. The plan, called “Protect your cell phone”, should be available on apps and websites and give owners the option of registering their phones in the government system. In addition to the device’s IMEI number, users can register up to two trusted people to activate or deactivate the device. If your phone is stolen or misplaced, authorized people can immediately access the platform and notify the IMEI to block it. Learn more below.

Governo quer AGIR no problema do ROUBO DE CELULAR: vem aí NOVO APLICATIVO
The government wants to create an app to help with the problem of cell phone theft. (Credits: Reproduction).

Faster protection

The idea is to speed up the process and reduce the potential for damage, preventing owners from wasting time calling their carrier and all their banks to report the problem. A collaboration between the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) and the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) will create a platform to block stolen or lost cell phones. The app will be from federal government. The Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) also participates in the project.

Large technology companies operating in the country can also join this initiative. According to the secretary general of the MJSP, Ricardo Cappelli, the government wants to include giants from the world of mobile phones in the plan. This is already being put into practice. Initially, talks with Google and Meta made it possible to block the Android operating system and social networks respectively on stolen devices. The measure could also help reduce the rate of mobile phone theft in Brazil without confrontation or violence, according to Cappelli. He emphasized that Google's participation will make the tool more efficient by erasing Android from smartphones, turning them into less valuable “pieces of metal”.

In addition, to minimize damage, it is recommended that you file a police report after your device has been stolen or robbed and request that your phone be blocked. It is also a good idea to use the mobile search and deletion functions provided by Android and iOS and, most importantly, ask your bank to temporarily block your account.


Cell phone thefts and robberies are increasing in Brazil

Last year alone, there were 508.3 thousand robberies and 498 thousand cases of cell phone thefts across the country, totaling over 1 million cases. This is an increase of 16.6% compared to 2021.

The information is contained in the 7th Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, published by the Brazilian Public Security Forum last month. It is worth remembering that this study considered only official data recorded by the National Ministry of Public Security. In other words, the real value can be assumed to be higher.

São Paulo is the 'leader' in this record, with 346.5 thousand smartphone cases stolen or robbed, an increase of 19% compared to 2021. In these worrying circumstances, manufacturers must also make efforts to contain this wave of crime, as is already being recognized by industry leaders. For Eduardo Santos, Director of Solutions for the Business Market at Samsung Brazil, for example, cell phones have a variety of security solutions that few people know about. The executive says that the company is working to publicize it more, because they understand that this is the brand's social responsibility.

But why so many robberies?

Experts say there is a 'criminal industry' in the country, with criminals often profiting not only from the sale of cell phones, but from vulnerabilities left in their devices by users themselves. There are many people who do not use passwords to unlock their phones, for example. This ends up giving malicious people the opportunity to take even more advantage of your smartphone.

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