Learn how to protect yourself from device explosions. Don't put yourself in danger.
Everyone has heard a story or seen a video showing a cell phone exploding. This is a fear that many smartphone users around the world have. And those who are afraid are right. There are more and more news stories about accidents involving cell phones. The danger is real.
Recently, in Paraná, a cell phone exploded and a pickup truck caught fire. The vehicle was parked and a witness said that the fire spread from the device to the seat and engulfed the vehicle in flames. The information is from R7. But, for those who don't know, these incidents can be avoided. By taking some necessary precautions to ensure public safety and the use of cell phones, you can protect yourself. So, keep reading and check out the important precautions you should take to prevent your cell phone from exploding.

Cell phone explosions
Reports of exploding phones have become common. In addition to this incident in Paraná, another one occurred last year. In Videira, a charger explosion ended up causing a fire that affected an entire apartment.
In Goiás, a device exploded inside a technical support center, also causing a fire. Accidents are numerous. Therefore, it is important to avoid danger and protect your device.
Important habits
It's always a good idea to check that your phone charger isn't overheating when you're using it. Also, be wary if the price of the charger is much lower than the market price, as it may be fake and not have all the necessary safety features.
Additionally, check whether the charging time is similar to the original and whether the device recognizes the USB cable.
Humidity and battery
Due to humidity, it is not recommended to charge your cell phone in the bathroom. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, and this increases the risk of short circuits, consumes more energy and heats up the device. This can cause explosions.
Another suggestion is to always keep your phone in sleep mode. battery saving when not in use, to keep it in a less active mode, in order to cool it down as much as possible. If your charger is of good quality, you can leave the phone plugged in with 100% of charge or use the device while it is charging. This is because cell phones work with idle batteries, so there is no danger.
Benjamins can be a problem
Experts say that a T, or Benjamin, outlet on even a device that doesn't require electrical resistance can cause an explosion. These types of outlets are usually designed to handle 10A or 20A, but that's because plugging in some devices will increase the current and cause overheating, which can trip circuit breakers in home panels.
Most of these receptacle overheating fires are caused by the circuit breaker not tripping. When using a male or T-type plug, it may happen that the male plug does not fit properly into the female. In this case, the contact will be inside the Benjamin. The small size of the male receptacle on the copper bar results in heating and not partial contact, since all the current flows in a smaller area.