
How much does it cost to leave the charger plugged in without the cell phone charging the battery?

Find out how much you will spend by leaving your charger plugged in without using it. It is important to disconnect it when removing your cell phone. A very common practice among many users is to remove the cell phone from the charger and leave it plugged in. But did you know that leaving your cell phone charger plugged in, even when it is not in use, […]

Celtins Telephone

Celtins is the company responsible for distributing electricity in the Brazilian state of Tocantins. It belongs to the Energisa Group and was previously called Companhia de Energia Elétrica do Estado do Tocantins (Celtins). Today, however, it is called Energisa Tocantins. The company was created in August 1989 and was acquired by the Rede […]

Main technologies for harnessing solar energy

New renewable sources of solar energy have been one of the most important topics in recent times, due to their benefits for the environment and economy, with solar energy being the most prominent. Furthermore, technology allows for better use of these sources. The topic has gained so much importance that large companies […]

Elektro Telephone

Elektro: see all the ways to get in touch! If you are an Elektro customer, you have certainly needed or may need to talk to the company to make a complaint, ask questions, give compliments or resolve any other issue regarding the services provided. In this sense, the energy distributor provides several customer service channels online or […]

How to issue a second copy of your CAERN account

Find out now how to issue a second copy of your CAERN bill and resolve all your issues with the company online. Count on us! CAERN is the water and sewage company for the state of Rio Grande do Norte. In this sense, many people who live in this region have questions about how to access services and even […]

Enel Goias Telephone Number

Through the Enel Goiás Telephone Number you can communicate with this energy company in this state. Check out which one it is right now! Currently, the large company Enel is present in more than 30 countries. In Brazil, it operates in several states, with different service channels for each one. In order to speak to your […]

Celpa Telephone

Celpa phone number and other ways to get in touch! It is common to need to contact Celpa for a variety of reasons. Whether it is to solve a problem, make a complaint, request services or even make a suggestion. There are several customer service channels available from Celpa for this purpose. Let’s take a look at some of these options […]

Social Energy Tariff

Social Energy Tariff: how does it work? The social energy tariff is a government assistance program aimed at families with very low incomes who may have difficulty paying their energy bills. Basically, discount bands are established on the energy bill according to the amount of consumption. The lower the total […]

Cosern Telephone

Cosern is a Brazilian electricity distributor founded in 1961. It is the company responsible for distributing energy throughout the state of Rio Grande do Norte, and is the sixth largest company in the sector in the Northeast. Cosern supplies all 167 municipalities in Rio Grande do Norte, providing its services to more than […]

CELPE Telephone

CELPE Telephone Number: How to Contact Us? Celpe is the electricity distributor responsible for supplying energy in the state of Pernambuco. The company was founded in 1965 and today supplies the homes of more than 3.6 million customers in 186 municipalities in Pernambuco. In this article, we will show you what you can do if you need […]