Manuela wants to know what the Creditas phone number is, However, he has not yet been able to obtain this information.
Just like this girl, thousands of customers of this company need the company's contact information and don't know where to find such information.
So, if you came to this article also looking for the Creditas phone number, stay calm!
After all, our portal was looking for both telephone of this company, as well as other forms of contact for the company.
So, after reading this post, you will no longer have any doubts about how to contact Creditas. Are you curious?
If so, follow the article and have a great read! Don't forget to save the post so you don't lose the numbers, okay? Come with us!
What is Creditas's telephone number?
First of all, like other companies, Creditas has several different telephone numbers.
There are also several customer service channels. This makes communicating with the organization simple and relatively practical. Check out what we are talking about below!
Company Call Center
First, let's mention CREDITAS's telephone number. So, if you need to contact the company, You can call (11) 3164 1402, if you live in São Paulo.
However, if you live in other capitals of Brazil or in metropolitan regions, must call 4003 1586. Finally, if you live in other parts of the country, call (landline only) to 0800 721 8547.
In this sense, service is provided on all numbers only on weekdays, as well as during business hours.
Online support
From the same point of view, the company also has online support in various ways. Therefore, to access the organization's chat, you must click here and select the “help” option that will appear on your screen.
Furthermore, there is a very cool page with FAQ (frequently asked questions) where you can find several answers to possible problems.
However, if you still do not find the solution you are looking for, please send your request to the company. To do this, Click here and send your request.
Creditas Ombudsman
Also, speaking of demands, if you have a complaint or serious problem, don't despair!
After all, for complicated situations or worrying cases, Creditas has an exclusive channel for this, the Ombudsman. Currently, this company body can be contacted by telephone 0800 709 8738.
We would like to point out that our service is also available during business hours. Furthermore, always try to resolve your problems in the departments we mentioned previously.
In short, the Ombudsman is the last option to resolve a dispute, complaint, report or general dissatisfaction.
Finally, please note that the Ombudsman's Office also has an email address. The email address is
Creditas company address
For information purposes only and in cases of extreme urgency, we will leave the Creditas address below.
In this way, the company is located at 105, Brooklin neighborhood, in São Paulo.
Mainly because of the new coronavirus pandemic, we ask that you avoid leaving your home. In this sense, opt for online or telephone service, okay?
Support via email
In addition, Creditas has several email addresses to serve its customers. In addition to the Ombudsman's email address listed above, there are other ways to contact the organization via email. These are: and the
This way, you can explain your demands in more detail, offer compliments, make complaints, etc. We would like to point out that there is a response period of approximately 10 business days after sending the email, okay?
What services and features does this financial institution offer?
We are coming to the end of our post today. In this sense, if you are still thinking about becoming a Creditas customer, you need to read this next topic carefully.
So, check out the main services and features that the company offers its customers. Check it out!
Loans with different types of guarantee
Firstly, Creditas is a great option for those who need cash in hand and can offer a property or vehicle as collateral.
Furthermore, this institution also acts as a mortgage lender in many cases. In short, if you need money, take a look at Creditas' negotiation possibilities.
Asset refinancing
In addition, the company also works in vehicle and property refinancing. This is usually a good option for those who are paying high interest rates on property or vehicle financing.
Is the company website really good?
Finally, the answer to this question is “yes”. The company’s website is very good, practical and quite intuitive.
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