How do I know if I have been silenced on Instagram? That's exactly the question we're going to answer in this article. Remember that muting is an Instagram feature that prevents users from seeing your latest posts and making unwanted interactions.
How to know if I've been muted on Instagram: Is there an official method?
First, we need to talk about whether or not there is an official method for you to know whether or not you have been silenced on Instagram. After all, the official methods distributed on social networks will give you the exact information you need.
However, there is no official method that Instagram make available. Although some social networks indicate when someone enters your profile, for example, showing various interactions that are theoretically “secret”, Instagram does not provide this information.
Remember that Instagram is owned by Facebook and one of the biggest priorities of Mark Zuckerberg's social networks is not to disclose this information. However, we will teach you a method to hack Instagram so you can know if you have been silenced or not.
How to know if I've been silenced on Instagram: Definitive method!
To find out if you have been silenced or not, we will show you a definitive method, where you will need help from another person who has an Instagram account on their cell phone, this is basically the only requirement to know the truth.
1. Open Instagram on the other person's phone
First, the person must open Instagram on their account and with their cell phone. Remember that it will not work if they use the same cell phone, this is because Instagram has a feature to mute not only one account, but all the accounts you create.
So, ask the person to open Instagram on their device. If you don't find anyone with an Instagram account, ask them to create one, but remember that it needs to be on their phone.
2. Ask that person to follow the user you suspect
The second step is something that can be complicated: you must ask the person to follow the user you suspect. However, if they have a private account, it will be much more complicated.
This is because the user needs to approve that person following them, so it is a process that can take time and be complicated, but it is worth trying because most people approve people who are considered neutral in their social life.
Something that can help if the user has a private account is to unfollow the person who is going to follow that user. That way, the user will not make a connection between you and that other person and will probably let that person follow them.
3. Make a mention and see if the person can see it
The third and final step is to make a comment mentioning this user on any post. Make any comment by putting the user’s “@” in the comment and send the publication to your accomplice who followed him or was approved by him to follow.
Now the person just needs to look for your comment on that post and if they don't find it, it means that you have been silenced. Try posting comments on meme pages, for example, to act as an alibi. After all, that person will also see your comment.
Can I use an app to find out if I've been muted on Instagram?
There are many apps that automate various processes on Instagram such as unfollowing multiple people, etc. However, we do not recommend that you use any app that is official from Instagram or Facebook.
This is because many applications can steal your information and use your account for the most diverse and problematic purposes. Therefore, we do not recommend that you go through this headache just to find out if your account has been silenced or not, as it is not worth it.
Use the method we just explained because it will work and has worked so far without you having to risk your privacy and data over something silly.
NDon't jump to conclusions
Finally, we would like to ask you not to jump to conclusions. Before carrying out this process, check whether you actually typed the “@” of the user you suspect correctly. Ask them if they simply deactivated their account for a personal reason, etc.
This can and will avoid some embarrassment that can naturally arise due to this doubt, which is why our final recommendation is this.
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