Have you ever been curious to know if a person was online and exchanging direct messages? Instagram? Want to know if this is possible? Read the article!
Is there a way to see if someone is chatting on Instagram?
There is a way for you to “spy” on the activity status of users. As long as the person follows you, and you follow them back. Just look for the last direct message you sent to them, and you can see when the person was last online.
And if she's online at that moment, you can see it too. However, it doesn't exactly mean that she's chatting on direct. It just means that she's online on the app.
Although this function does not exist natively, there is an option to know if a person is chatting on Instagram and even to read what they write: mSpy. It is a monitoring software that records any activity carried out from a device, including reading direct messages sent through social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat.
To access someone else’s chat, you need to install mSpy in advance by configuring it on the target device and defining what activity you want it to record, including WhatsApp chat, real-time GPS location, access to the media file directory, call history, among many others. It is a paid service and is available on Android and iOS devices.

You may be looking at photos in your feed, checking out your story. But no, you can't tell if you're chatting with someone. You can only see your activity status!
Why doesn't Instagram provide this feature?
Instagram values the privacy of its users very much. After all, for you to feel comfortable on a social network, you need to feel safe too.
The app had a feature that allowed you to see the activities of everyone you followed. It was located next to the notifications. You could see what people were liking or commenting on. As well as who they were following too!
However, this feature has been disabled for some time now. After all, it was a huge lack of privacy. Can you imagine? All your followers seeing what you do while you're online on the app? It wouldn't work!
Therefore, Instagram no longer offers any functions that allow you to “snoop around”. So that its users can feel more confident on the social network.
Even when you delete a message in direct, your privacy is completely protected. The other user has no way of knowing that it was you who deleted the message, nor which message was deleted.
It is precisely this privacy that makes social media a pleasant place to spend time!
How to disable app activity status?
Activity status, as explained above, is what allows you to see if people are online. And they can also see if you are. But luckily, there is a way to turn it off! After all, some people don't feel comfortable with it and prefer to keep their privacy.
So, don't worry. You can deactivate it, and it's a very easy process to do! Follow the steps below:
- Open the Instagram app
- Click on the three dots to access the settings
- Scroll down until you find the “activity status” option.
- Just flip the switch
- Done! No one will have access to your activity status, and you won't see anyone else's either.
The advantage of Instagram is that it allows its users to choose the features they want. Those who don’t like to expose themselves too much can choose to make their account private, disable their activity status, etc.
Does Instagram protect users from potential hackers?
We know that it is not possible to view other people's conversations on Instagram. But are there ways to hack profiles to view direct messages outside of the app? And how can you protect yourself from this?
Instagram invests heavily in ways to improve the security of the app. Therefore, it is making it increasingly difficult for hackers to do so. So don't worry. It is not that easy for third parties to gain access to your profile.
And if this happens, know that it won't stop there. After all, hacking into social media profiles without the account owner's authorization is a crime. So, if this happens to you one day, you can report it.
But a tip to avoid these situations is:
Create a strong password for your account. Some people use their birthday as their password, or their pet's name. But this makes it much easier for someone else to guess your password!
Therefore, invest in strong passwords. With upper and lower case letters, symbols, numbers and more than 8 characters. This way, your account will be much more secure.
See more:
Facebook to pay R$1,400,000 to user whose Instagram was hacked