How can you avoid being taxed on Shein? Is it possible? This is the question we will answer in our article today and we will also give other details. Therefore, it is essential that you read our full article to understand and follow the tips.
How to avoid being taxed on Shein: Is it possible?
First of all, we need to say that Shein shopping is a real success. Especially when we are talking about different clothes.
However, even with the great prices, we have to deal with taxes here in Brazil. So, the question arises: Is it possible not to be taxed at customs?
To do this, you need to understand how our country's taxation works for international purchases. This way, you can identify whether this will be possible for your purchase or not.
Obviously, we won't cover all the taxation rules. We'll focus on the most important ones and only the rules that are of interest to you.
First, we need to answer the question we asked in the previous question. After all, will all your purchases be taxed? The answer is no, after all, they arrive in our country. more than 300,000 international orders per day.
Even with the high number of revenues, it would not be feasible due to the logistics and automation of inspection. Therefore, there are certain rules to define which purchases are taxed or not. These rules are:
- Purchase value
- Purchase weight
- Ease of inspection
- Description
In the next topic, we will show you 5 tips that you should follow to pass these rules without being taxed.
How to avoid being taxed on Shein: 5 tips you need to follow!
Now that you understand which factors are considered when taxing, we can give you 5 tips that you need to follow if you don't want to be taxed.
Set a maximum purchase limit of $50
The first tip goes to the first rule which is precisely about the value of your shopping. Whenever you make a purchase, set your maximum limit to $50. After all, the IRS converts the price of purchases from US dollars to reais.
Make purchases of light and small packages
The second tip is about the weight of the purchase, so it is necessary to buy light and small packages. This is because, as we said in the previous topic, there are not enough inspectors to evaluate all the packages.
In this way, small and light orders have an advantage, precisely because they have a large daily quantity. A good idea is to try to talk to the manufacturer so that they can put each product in small packages.
A big box can save your life
The third tip is closely related to the previous one. Ask for your small packages to be placed in a large box. This way, you can increase the chances of not being taxed. This is a common idea among inspectors to speed up the entire shipping process.
Ask for discreet boxes
Everyone likes a pretty box when they receive their goods, right? In this tip, we'll prove that this isn't the case. The more eye-catching the box, the worse it is in this case. This also attracts the attention of inspectors. Ask whoever you're sending the goods to use a discreet box in light colors.
Buying on special dates is the “Take the leap”
The last tip is about when to buy. After all, if 300,000 products are shipped every day, there will be even more around special dates. Without enough inspectors, the chances of your package getting through are much higher. In addition, Shein usually create promotions on these dates.

How to avoid being taxed on Shein: How do I know if I have been taxed or not?
To conclude our article, we will show you how you can find out whether you have been taxed or not. After all, we imagine that you are reading this article after placing your order. Therefore, the vast majority of tips cannot be followed and this discards our content for you.
Therefore, it is interesting to see if you will be taxed and on your next purchase you can follow our tips from the previous topic.
1. Access the Post Office website
First, go to the post office website and select the “Track your item” option in the floating menu, scrolling down a little on the page. Then, enter the code and check the status. If the status is “Customs Inspection Completed”, it means that you have been taxed.
2. Pay your fee
The second step if you have been taxed is to select the “My imports” option, print the invoice and make the payment as you wish.
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