How do I call another state?






After all, how do you call another state?

A very simple procedure, and one that many people end up struggling with is to call another state.

The situation becomes more complicated when it comes to a collect call.


With the ease of technology, nowadays we practically talk to each other through social media.

Or daily via the app whatsapp.

But there are times when the situation becomes difficult and there is nowhere to run other than returning to traditional customs.


How to proceed at this time?

This is what we will explain in this article.

So stay with us until the end.

Is it really that difficult to make a call to another state?

It depends.

Do you know what else gets in the way when you're going to make a call to another state?

The operator code and the famous DDD of the city you are calling.

If you know the number, just put everything in the correct order and that's it.

Operator Code + Area Code + Telephone Number.

Simple as that.

But do you know the area code of the location you are going to call?

Ligar para outro estado
Image of Joss Rogers put Pixabay

What is DDD?

DDD or Direct Distance Dialing is a system adopted in Brazil so that long distance calls can be made.

He is the one who directs you to the correct city you are calling.

And if you get the area code wrong, you could be calling a completely different city and people.

You can never be too careful, and it's always a good idea to have some cheat sheet on hand when making the call.

DDD began in Brazil in 1969, but was only widely implemented in the 1970s.

However, it was in the 90s that the system was fully established throughout the country.

Nowadays, practically every city has its own area code, and you need to keep it in mind when making a call.

What is the difference between DDD and DDI?

Many people end up confusing the difference between DDD and DDI.

And it's not uncommon for them to end up getting confused about which number to put.

The difference is simple, DDD is for calls within the national territory.

DDI is for international calls.

DDI or International Direct Dialing is a system used for calls made between countries.

Each country has its own, with Brazil being number 55.

What are the operator codes?

Just as important as knowing the area code is knowing the code for the operator you are going to call.

Depending on the operator, you will have different values and rates.

In Brazil we have:

It is worth remembering that OI in the South serves code number 14.

Make the table and leave it near your phone.

Watch the video below shared on Youtube by Ligia Maria Channel:

Whatsapp call

What if I don't want to go through the headache of all this?

Well, if you don't want to go through all that hassle, the best option is to call via whatsapp, which is the fastest and most practical way.

Just have the person's contact information and call directly.

However, we have to make some reservations, as WhatsApp calls depend on a good internet connection.

The signal can often be bad, and the call may be slightly impaired.

Watch the video below about making collect calls to another state shared on Youtube by Neuralizing Tech Channel:

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