Check out how to make collect calls to another state in a simple and easy way.
With internet access almost everywhere and more affordable operator plans, collect calls have become a rare occurrence in Brazil.
Nowadays, it is possible to talk to anyone from all over the world via the internet.
However, some people still don't have the money to make a call and don't have internet to communicate with other people, in which case the use of collect calls is very useful.
Collect calls to another state are also rare, and more expensive, but sometimes unavoidable.

What is a collect call?
Before we explain how to make a call collect to another area code, check below what a collect call is.
When you make a regular call, whether to a telephone or cell phone, you are paying for it. But when you make a collect call, whether to the same state or to another, the person who pays for the call is the person receiving it, not you. Hence the term collect.
The number that represents a collect call is 90. We always type before putting the number and the prefix.
How do I make a collect call to another area code?
Check out our step-by-step guide on how to make a collect call.
- First, enter the collect call prefix (90);
- Then, enter your operator's code;
- Then, enter the area code of the desired number;
- Finally, enter the mobile or landline number you want to call.
For example: If you want to make a collect call to São Paulo (Capital), using the operator TIM. So you would have to type it like this:
90 41 11 phone number.
What are the operator prefixes in Brazil?
Each operator operating in Brazil has a prefix that must be inserted in the collect call. Check them all below.
If you are in: You must use the prefix 31 to make calls.
However, if you are in: Acre, Federal District, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondônia, Santa Catarina or Tocantins. You must use the prefix 14 to make calls.
Check the area codes of the states of Brazil
Are you unsure about the prefix for your state or another state you want to call? Then check the table below and discover the prefixes for the states of Brazil.
11 – Sao Paulo – Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo
21 – Rio de Janeiro – Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro
27 – Espírito Santo – Metropolitan Region of Vitoria
31 – Minas Gerais – Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte
41 – Paraná – Metropolitan Region of Curitiba
48 – Santa Catarina – Metropolitan Region of Florianópolis and Criciúma
51 – Rio Grande do Sul – Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre
61 – Federal District – Brasilia and Region
62 – Goiás – Metropolitan Region of Goiânia
63 – Tocantins – All municipalities in the state
65 – Mato Grosso – Metropolitan Region of Cuiabá
67 – Mato Grosso do Sul – All municipalities in the state
68 – Acre – All municipalities in the state
69 – Rondônia – All municipalities in the state
71 – Bahia – Metropolitan Region of Salvador
79 – Sergipe – All municipalities in the state
81 – Pernambuco – Metropolitan Region of Recife
82 – Alagoas – All municipalities in the state
83 – Paraíba – All municipalities in the state
84 – Rio Grande do Norte – All municipalities in the state
85 – Ceara – Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza
86 – Piauí – Teresina Region
91 – Pará – Metropolitan Region of Belém
92 – Amazonas – Manaus Region
95 – Roraima - All municipalities in the state
96 – Amapá – All municipalities in the state
98 – Maranhão – Metropolitan Region of São Luís.
Watch the video below for a simpler explanation:
As you can see, making a collect call to another state is not difficult at all. Just follow the instructions in this article and you will succeed.
If you have any questions about the procedures, just leave a comment below and we will try to clarify.
And if you liked the article, remember to share it on your social networks, so that other people can also learn easily how to make long distance collect calls.